In Proverbs there are several verses on the wisdom
of using the rod for discipline. The notion that children
will only flourish if chastised, physically or otherwise for
any wrongdoing. Some may argue, the rod means disciplinary
action not necessarily A literal rod. Well when it comes to those
verses and especially among JW,s, it means one thing, (belt, broom
handle or whatever is at hand). What is one to think, Pro. 13:24
"He who spares the rod hates his son", Pro22:15 Foolishness is
bound in the heart of A child, the rod will correct that.
Pro.29:15 The rod and reproof give wisdom.
Curious how you all have fared with the rod of discipline, especially
the ones rasied in borg. in the 70,s and 80,s.
Maybe some of you heard this today in the news.
Spanking,slapping may increase the risk of developing mental
health issues. The study is for those who regularly spank their
child for physical punishment.