Quiet one - Thanks for the thread we do it alot but still one of my favorites.
You'll see on page one - trying to make the arguement the "personification" of the Holy Spirit. This is a strawman arguement. Both sides attack it and both win in their own mind. The fact is the HS is often "personified" as "he" "him" or having feelings being hurt etc... However HE is never God. This issue makes no difference to me.
For me it is simple. One scripture could be wrong (either the writer or the translation) however the overall relationship is ALWAYS Father and Son. Jesus is the son of God. God is THE Father. It was given to us to understand - One gives life to the other and is superior.
Unlike JWs and others I do believe Jesus is everything his Father is. The only differences are eternity and position. That is what Father/Son means. My son is 4" taller than me and could woop my ass, but I am still the father. He is everything I am. He has my power, my intelligence, my abilities, but not my age or position. I gave life to him, but he is only inferior in position not in quality or substance.
You will not find 1 scripture - reasonably translated - that diagrees with this understanding.
Or let me know if you can.....