24 elders are the 144,000.
7 symbolizes Gods seven day of completeness.
Jesus Christ; is Michel the Archangel, Another Angels, Strong Angel, Fallen Angel.
Who are the 144,000 in the Gospel.
Only 144,000 can partake!
WTBTS are the spiritual Israelites!
Who are the two witnesses?
This Generation Will No Means Pass Away Until The End Comes!
John of Revelation gave his vision to the John Class!
Who Is John of Revelation?
In Daniels Dreams, The World Empires unless noted by Daniel!
Books Paul wrote.
Revelation was written by apostle John.
Clearly, God allowed a bill of Separation!
Invisible Presence.
Jehovah’s Witness are God’s earthly Kingdom!
Christendom Is Empire of false religion and the Harlot!
League of Nations and United Nations are Satan Organization!
If YOU believe the last three statements; YOU are ready to get baptized.