JoinedTopics Started by whatcanIsay
by paul from cleveland inis the attention directed toward the accomplishments of the organization really a form of idolatry, as some contend, or is it simply following jesus' admonition to "let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven"?.
Other Sheep will start taking the emblems.
by hamsterbait inwas at the kingdumb hell yesterday after a gap.. paragraph 11 planted the seed in the sheeples' heads for this.. remember last weeks study, where martha was quoted as saying: "i know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.
" (jo 11: 24) the term "last day" was explained as applying to the millennium, in the same way as "judgment day" for those receiving an earthly resurrection.. now for paragraph 11 - i noticed some bemused faces, as usually john 6 is avoided in articles discussing earthly resurrection:.
" "the bread that i shall give is my flesh," he said.
Proof from Watchtower Shunning has PAGAN Orgin and Foreign to Bible Teachings
by Lady Liberty inhello friends,.
my dad just found this article when doing some research for a letter he was sending my aunt and grandmother showing them how unscriptural shunning is.
i was blown away!!
Am i correct?
by angel eyes inthis is just an obsevation from me...ok i dont mean to annoy anyone but is it true or just me?.
i feel that ones raised in the truth are so much better of than us who came in from the world.
i say that because they have family who are witnesses too.
How many XJWs went onto another faith....?
by 2pink ini'm just curious here.. as i am exiting currently and trying to find my new place (and belief system) in this world, i am wondering what the experience was like for other xjws.
did you go onto a new faith?
i'd love to read your responses.
Is the governing body anointed or self-appointed?
by 1914BS inhow is it that every member of the gb has claimed to be anointed when they themselves doubt the anointed status of r&f anointed?
what makes the gb so sure of their anointedness?.
I'm Still Torn About the Blood Issue
by palmtree67 inwhen i left the org.
the blood issue wasn't an issue for me.
my best friend was on the blood committee for years and i could see many cases where either blood wouldn't have saved the person anyways (like when a person is in a serious car accident and their liver is in pieces), or blood actually killed the person and/or hindered recovery.. then my little nephew got leukemia.
Colossians CH 1 & 2
by PSacramento inwritten in probably between 50-80 ad by the apostle paul or perhaps more correctly dictated by paul and quite possibly, expanded on by his followers, colossians gives us many interesting verses:.
1:13-23. states that jesus is the first born over all creation, all things in heaven, earth and under the earth were created through him, by him and for him.. that the fullness of god dwelt in jesus and that jesus reconciled all unto him by his death on the cross.. and that god has reconciled us in christ, holy, blemish free, free of accusation, as long as we continue in our faith.. in the second chapter the writer states that in jesus all the fullness of the deity ( god) lives in bodily form and that we have been given fullness in christ who is ( present tense) head and authority over all.. now we come to a very interesting part in colossians:.
2: 16-23. where the writer now states that no one should judge by what one eats or drinks, or in regards to religious festivals, new moons, sabbaths, that no one desqualifies us from the prize because they worship angels and have false humility.
2010 got scared today! OLD AGE! Born in 1972 realized I may only live to 2050!
by Witness 007 inif i live to 80 in 2050 thats in only 40 years and if i'm lucky.....not long.
believing that a "god" will whisk me away to heaven would be very comforting....but i just can't do it.
ever think about dying of old age?.