This kind of question always pissed me off when I was being indoctrinated in a very religious, very strict, very Protestant primary school. Such a loving God was so inspiring of fear and self-hatred.
My sister-in-law brought up a pretty good point about the Bible - old and new testament. In order to fully identify with the ideals and concepts held within its pages, it is necesarry to divorce oneself from modern society and adopt a very anitquated concept of good and evil.
For example, the paradise that so many JWs are looking forward to is a rural person's paradise - it is not what a modern thinking person would consider paradise. Does everyone want to be a farmer? Does everone want to live near Jersulam (I shiver at the thought . . .) The fact is, this is a world without government, without roads, without technology, without division of labor. Thus, in order for there to be roads, etc. Jesus would have to intervene since each person will be tending to his own needs.
Anyway, in order to understand the Old Testament, one cannot look at the good/evil context that we see today. It was not evil to destroy people and rape their wives - this was normal. But today, we like to think we are more civilized. I like to think that too. That's why I can't always make excusese for what the merciful god did of the Bible.
If the Bible is truly a 'timeless' book, why do we need to make up excuses? Why do we have to explain to ourselves why god would kill tens of thousands of people simply for existing in their ignorance? Of course, that's what JWs look forward to everyday. I can't wait till god's mercy is shown so explicitly . . .
Oh well. If they want to live in the past, I guess it's their prerogrative. They should start their farm life soon though - maybe they should merge with the Amish.