You Know -
TO INDIVIDUAL: My experience with apostates consistently demonstrates your impotence in the face of the facts. Nothing is more faith-affirming for me. In a typically canned response, you can only attack me personally or blaspheme God because his judgment consigns fools to suffer the full penalty of their stupidity.The fact is, your world is doomed, not because God is going to necessarily personally destroy it, but because it has not the moral strength to survive. Jehovah simply decrees that no one will live who doesn't have faith in him.
How can I be blaspheming God when all I am saying is that He is not going to do the things you say He is going to do and He has not got the personality you subscribe to. The judgemental way you describe God is purely your own opinion based on the writings of the organisation. Your view of Him is more harsh than that of the organisation and I am surprised that if you spout the same things in the kingdom hall as you do here that they havent kicked you out yet. In my experience opinions expressed as strongly as these concerning the end of the system and WW3 that run contrary to the societys thinking were treated very harshly.
The worst thing is that like the society you claim to be speaking on behalf of God. Now, Jesus taught love and did so in a loving way. I am sure that he would not be saying the things that you are saying if he was on the earth today. The love that the Bible speaks of is distinctly lacking in ALL of your posts which only express hate, for not only the world, but also all the peoples within it.
I know you want your reward but you have to ask yourself - do you deserve it? Has Jehovah room for somebody with so much hate and such a desire for destruction? To me there are good people in the world and they far outnumber the witnesses. Open your eyes and look around at people in your area - are they all bad, evil, deserving of destruction? Is there not even one good person?
I tell you this - it is very easy to tar everybody with the same brush and the organisation has been very good at doing this in its talking about the 'evil system of things'. It tars everbody with this expression, classing all non JWs as evil. Obviously, to anybody with any sense at all this is ludicrous. The only reason they do this is to seperate people into two groups, for the purpose of bolstering their own belief that they are the only ones that are going to be saved. In so doing they keep everbody involved in the 'truth' through fear and I ought to know, after a quarter of a century locked into this feeling of fear and guilt.
From my point of view I cannot worship a God as represented by the society, they are the blasphemers because they willingly portray Him as a murderer, just look at the illustrations of people dying or fighting at the systems end as shown in the organisations publications. What do you think Jesus would make of these pictures? To me they always showed the worst, which now I see is purely a reflection of their own desires. Just as your post comes across as a reflection of you, one who desires all to be destroyed regardless, just so that you yourself can get your imagined reward. People like you were warned about in the Bible, peddling their own interpretations of scriptures as prophecy. How will we know that you are a false prophet? Because none of this will come true. WW3 is not imminent and the economic woes are just repeats of a cycle that will always happen in this social structure.
You want to win people over with fear, Christ Jesus wanted to win people over with love and compassion, can you see the difference?