Clarification - the "Brothers" do not know for sure a transfusion occured. Consider it, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell".
People can put two and two together, which I am sure they are at least suspicious. I could care less if they DF'd me, but my mother is elderly and her and my Dad need a faith to cling on to - and that crazy feeling you get when you let go and believe can be powerful and comforting.
However, if they ask too many questions - or ask for a meeting of some sort, a lawyer will be present. And I have read the new book, and I know what events that will trigger. If at all else, I will tell my mother to lie - and that she will actually be lying to protect them, because it is them that need to lie.
It must be tough to be an Elder and instruct people to watch their loved ones die.
Not me, I choose life.
Don't get me wrong, I love so much about that faith, and the people in it. But then there are the people I don't care for, much. A few posts back someone claimed that being a witness hones your "people reading skills". I can attest to that. I can read people quick, especially in person. Something about my personality makes them back off and leave me alone, even though I am a nice guy. Like I said, some people think I am crazy, others know I am. But I am a functional crazy, left in shambles after realizing that everything I ever thought was true, was not. It only took Wikipedia to bring me to the surface, Wikipedia and my own ability to reason and investigate. And the realization that I could not trust these elders to tell me the right thing, caused me to pay attention to the slightest twitch, the glance away. It's like a drug addict once told me, never trust a junkie. The truth is their drug, and if they ever completely wake up then they have to face the fact that it was all a lie, every since Rutherford put his personal agenda on our heads. These elders have lied to themselves, to us, to their families. AND THEY DO NOT WANT TO WAKE UP.
1914 was real to me. I still, to this day, cannot get that concept out of my mind. I can still hear the elder's wives with their heartfelt, yet scripted answers to the Watchtower questions - "And we know that before the generation that saw 1914 passes, this system of things will end..." It played out over and over, in hall after all - we all counted the years like bean counters. How could it be 1993? 1994? And how somber was New Years Day, 1995?
About as somber as 2011.
I hold out for the best, that our organization will change and adapt and grow strong again on the backs of the great people who will flock back and forgive - just stop the lies. Let's acknowledge we were wrong, we were duped. CT Russell never claimed to be inspired by God, he just liked the words in the Bible.
So why do we think these men in Brooklyn (or wherever) are insipired.
Questions make the walls fall down.
Questions, like, what do you mean insipired?
Do you mean trance like meditation with sudden clarity? Autonomous writing? Smoking peyote? Or is the Holy Spirit part of the qourum, bringing wisdom with the reading of the minutes as an unseen force that guides their thoughts. To me, any of that would be a miracle, and we don't have miracles anymore, do we?
Don't get me started, I have so many stories.
It's all been an explotation.
But at least the girls were nice.