There are a few good ones still in.
JoinedPosts by truthseekeriam
i am vocal visible apostate with a transgender kid i support publicly and i am getting HUGGED in public by an active witness; WHY??
by chickpea inmy initial withdrawal from the cult about 5 years ago or so, was as a fader, but now there is no doubt i am so over the cult, having publicly sat on the board of the local pflag chapter!
my bumper stickers declare don't believe everything you think and stop the violence; legalize marijuana (also a generic pflag sticker)... i am out and i aint coming back and i denounce the cult as a cult, i never call it anything else... .
today at the local food co-op a congregant saw me and bee-lined it over to hug me!
Jehovahs Witness elder arrested for sexual abuse
by truthseekeriam injehovahs witness elder arrested for sexual abuseposted on december 10, 2013 by wtleave a commenta man serving as a jehovahs witness elder minister in oklahoma was arrested on 19 counts of sexual abuse, according to authorities.
authorities said they had received numerous reports of other children being molested by ronald lawrence, 76 years of age, from more than 30 years ago.. it is believed, according to lawrences arrest warrant, the kingdom hall church where lawrence was an elder, chose not to inform law enforcement of the abuse.
authorities said that if the jehovahs witness church withheld information from authorities that they too could face criminal charges.. .
Jehovah’s Witness elder arrested for sexual abuse
Posted on December 10, 2013 by WT LEAVE A COMMENT
A man serving as a Jehovah’s Witness elder minister in Oklahoma was arrested on 19 counts of sexual abuse, according to authorities. Authorities said they had received numerous reports of other children being molested by Ronald Lawrence, 76 years of age, from more than 30 years ago.
It is believed, according to Lawrence’s arrest warrant, the Kingdom Hall church where Lawrence was an elder, chose not to inform law enforcement of the abuse. Authorities said that if the Jehovah’s Witness church withheld information from authorities that they too could face criminal charges.
There is evidence the Jehovah’s Witness organization was aware of a problem that took place back in 2005, yet he continued to serve as a clergyman for the sect.The arrest took place in late November.
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What Have You Bought From TV Infomercials?
by minimus inhave you ever bought anything?.
my favorite commercial is the guy that screams because he's trying to clean his ears!
My daughter begged and begged me to buy the Perfect Brownie pan so I gave in.
We never could get to work like it did in the commercial ;)
Today's Daily Text is a Convoluted Mess
by TTATTelder inwednesday, december 11. his heart did not prove to be complete with jehovah.1 ki.
will we let solomons course be a warning example for us?
(1 ki.
"A sister might attempt to rationalize forming a romantic link that ignores God’s directive to marry “only in the Lord.”
I feel so sorry for the women stuck in this religion!!
Quite an interesting first meeting with my Therapist.
by truthseekeriam inthe moment i mentioned jehovah's witnesses he headed over to his file cabinet and handed me this print out.. .
dear beloved one, .
i see your loneliness and fears.
I'm taking lots of notes and continue to appreciate all of your comments.
I did a quick search of the Therapist I visited and sure enough it did mention he can provide therapy within a faith based Chistian framework.
After sharing some of your thoughts with my husband I really think I will keep searching. Thankfully our insurance covers quite a few in our area :)
Quite an interesting first meeting with my Therapist.
by truthseekeriam inthe moment i mentioned jehovah's witnesses he headed over to his file cabinet and handed me this print out.. .
dear beloved one, .
i see your loneliness and fears.
I really appreciate all of your thoughts. I think more research on my part wouldn't hurt. I certainly wouldn't want to put myself back into a vulnerable situation.
This is really hard!
VERY CONFIDENTIAL LETTER - Child abuse 10/01/2012
by WatchTower87 inconfidential letter child abuse
to all bodies of elders.
the congregation secretary should arrange for this letter to be retained in the congregation permanent file of policy letters.
@OnTheWayOut, Spot on!
I have been there not too long ago and my child was certainly last priority.
The medical specialist told me something alarming today. Pretty bummed.
by Julia Orwell inso i've been going to doctors for years with chronic fatigue, a condition i managed ok but which took a drastic nose dive in late 2011 to 2012 to the point where i could barely function.
work was part of the problem, so at the end of that year i left that stressful environment.
but in the meantime, for the last few years i've been going to doctors, specialists, psychiatrists and psychologists and undergoing every sort of blood test you can imagine and seeing all sorts of medical people.
Makes sense. I knew quite a few JWs who suffered with CF it's really hard to keep up in a religion that refuses to ever tell you your doing enough.
I agree with Flyinghighnow a good Therapist would be a great next step. I'm on the same path right now. I wish you the best.
Quite an interesting first meeting with my Therapist.
by truthseekeriam inthe moment i mentioned jehovah's witnesses he headed over to his file cabinet and handed me this print out.. .
dear beloved one, .
i see your loneliness and fears.
@ doofdaddy, this was my first visit with this Therapist so it was more of us seeing if we fit. We talked,he talked and in the end he gave us an assignment to write down the things we want help with after leaving the religion. He just wanted to make it very clear to us both how he felt about JW's. I really didn't get the red flags,but then after reading all the comments here maybe I should have :) I think I was just so excited he knew so much about JW's.
My brother died yesterday
by satinka in"albert" was 55 years old, and the fifth-born of seven children.
i am the second oldest and babysat him often while he was growing up --- and while i was still at home.. yesterday, albert was out taking his usual morning stroll around his small town, when he collapsed on the sidewalk.
the doctors said it was a heart attack.
So sorry for your loss.