And it failed :( I still can't figure this picture thing out.
JoinedPosts by truthseekeriam
I'm having fun with this Christmas stuff!!
by truthseekeriam inhere is our puppy proof christmas tree.. .
I'm having fun with this Christmas stuff!!
by truthseekeriam inhere is our puppy proof christmas tree.. .
Here is our puppy proof Christmas tree.
What Will U Spend For XMas This Year?
by minimus ini think most exjws are frugal when it comes to xmas.
what is your budget for gift giving?.
Well it's just my little family of 4 plus 2 doggies that celebrate xmas.
We bought the tree and ornaments last year and our neighbor made us a beatiful wreath for our front door so it's should be under 300 bucks this year.
'Trusted' Jehovahs Witness raped and sexually abused girls
by cliff in'trusted' jehovahs witness raped and sexually abused girls.
court: barry furlong arrives at bournemouth crown court.
first published tuesday 9 december 2014 in news by jane reader.
I hope standing up to someone they feared for years will give them some closure. My thoughts are with them during this very stressful time.
by raymond frantz introubled man exposes elders cult mentality in dover uk.
(watch the video till the end).
breaking in to kingdom halls and disturbing peaceful meetings is hardly the way to go when it comes to positive activism .nevertheless these incidents seem to become more frequent recently as the watchtower vehemently refuses to engage in a meaningful way with the problems of policy and doctrine that seem to trouble many jehovahs witnesses .that, coupled with the ever extending ex- jehovahs witnesses community and their harsh disfellowshiping practises is creating a new era where disturbances of that short will only become more frequent.
I felt his pain, it's so horriable what this religion does to children.
I agree that this may not be the way for the most of us but for him it may be.
I try to not judge others for how they handle their pain, maybe because I have been judged on how I do.
by Watchtower-Free in
(published thursday, oct 30, 2014).
thursday, oct 30, 2014 updated at 11:58 pm pdt.
We all need to do all we can to protect children.
From a parent who has lived this nightmare I personally want to thank you Flipper :)
Media request to record/broadcast oral argument; from ABC News New York
by Londo111 in
see last item:.
"media request to record/broadcast oral argument; from abc news new york".
Wonderful! Nothing like having the actual video of the garbage the WT lawyers spout.
The parents are brainwashed, the elders are brainwashed but the leaders (gb) and their lawyers have known for years exactly what they are doing!! They will be exposed through these court cases. Just imagian the day they finally have to turn over those massive files of molesters they have protected, what a happy day that will be.
You have to be strong
by troubled mind instanding up for yourself,and deciding to follow your own path takes strength .
you have to be strong especially if you were raised in a way of life that dictated so much of who you were .
while being raised as a jehovah's witness i was taught to follow ,unquestionally follow .i was told to put others before myself ,serve,don't stand out ,don't be independent .
What a great post.
there really is so much good on this forum, sometimes that means skipping over some threads (race) that upset me and focus on the many others that encourage us to be better and stronger.
Excusing the JW Child Abuse Scandals.
by Phizzy inmy question is prompted by a post of terry's on his own thread about a parable for jw's.
in that post terry shows how the standard jw response to any report of sex abuse within the borg is to use the "no true scotsman" fallacy.. i.e "he was not a real jw".. my question is for some time in the future, when the true, horrendous, extent of abuse within the borg is public knowledge, and the cognitive dissonance grows for jw's about this being endemic in "god's organization" for so long, how will they excuse it, or explain it, then ?.
how will they push away the obvious conclusion that jehovah must have approved of this going on, or he would have rectified it, not left it to the courts to pick up the broken pieces years later ?.
As in the the song Let It Go they choose to "conceal, don't feel."
They have to put that wall up in order to protect their perceived "truth" I've seen with my own eyes that wall go up with my own family members. No matter what proof you have, their minds just shut down. They can blame the molester and even possibly the local elders for doing things wrong but when it comes to their GB or their policy's they shut down.