"Meet the "LDC Family""
Yeh. Until they reach their early 50's and get booted outside where the weeping and the gnashing of their teeth will be?
march 1, 2017 to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: update on local design/construction arrangement.
"Meet the "LDC Family""
Yeh. Until they reach their early 50's and get booted outside where the weeping and the gnashing of their teeth will be?
i would personally say, this was going to happen, but not quite yet.
but then i noticed this recently published story in the south china morning post (a newspaper once owned by rupert murdoch, but now owned by jack ma, one of china's richest men).. quote:.
how china has become america’s equal, as showcased at a harvard forumauthor: robert delaneyon the campus of harvard business school this past weekend there was little doubt among corporate leaders and investors gathered for an annual conference that china had arrived as an equal to the united states.keynote speeches, panel discussions and a business pitch competition at the 20th annual harvard china forum convened under the theme “sharing the road ahead” in english.. and, i got to thinking about donald trump's reversal of all the things he said he was going to do to china in his campaign speeches, and the reality now that he acts as president of the usa.
While the USA has about 10 massive carriers and is able to project its power worldwide and China (and Russia - although it's land mass allows it to project throughout the Northern Hemisphere) has approximately one carrier then as Bobcat says - it is a regional superpower.
Having said that - Nuclear missile carrying submarines make China (like other nations with same) able to project beyond its region if it all went nuts.
can he be sued for violating clergy pertinent privilege by the person that confesses to him?.
Also - just an opinion - "Richard Oliver's" postings while being portrayed as the voice of legal accuracy and reason seem unfailingly supportive of whatever Watchtower do by way of "child protection."
Why would anyone feel impelled to support such behaviour so frequently and so often I cannot comprehend.
But that's just me "Richard", eh?
can he be sued for violating clergy pertinent privilege by the person that confesses to him?.
I did this when I was an elder in the UK.
I reasoned that it was a "moral" - as in I just had to do it, not look at me taking the moral high ground - decision and let the chips fall where they may. The branch sent a lackey CO to sniff around and I looked him in the eye and told him I believed the matter was sub judice and had nothing to say. He pushed and I told him that if he pursued it then I would report him and whoever sent him to the police for hampering a police investigation. They backed off. I remained an elder.
Imagine a Child Molester sues me for going to the Police ...
1. Does the law in the UK view a JW elder as being legally bound not to disclose?
2. If it did, if I was charged and a court decided so, what would my penalty be?
Exactly - what Judge is going to lock me up or impose a fine for that in this day and age.
3. Imagine it is a civil case - and the perpetrator sues me. What damages will he be awarded?
when i was in, during the 1970s, i would see circuit overseers twice a year.
i think there were two occasions when i saw a district overseer give a talk at the hall.
were eliminated as part of a streamlining process but who the hades has taken on their responsibilities?
In the UK under the so-called "Britain" branch there were about 8 Districts, I think - certainly no more than 10 if you include Ireland (Eire) the middle east and the outlying islands of the old empire.
In 2014 when the DO's were given the boot it was also the no-one over age 70 rule brought in so this is what happened.
About 6 or 7 DO's were over 70 and so used/sidelined as Drearyweather said. A couple of younger ones - (there was a "brother" Black - self important piece of work - who became a run of the mill CO - might be approaching 70 soon so good riddance there) also (Steven Clarke - one the few nice guys with a nice wife who was "only" in his 50's. I think he is a CO now.)
The DO used to shadow the CO twice a year (remember the DO/CO joint visits?) and now this is done by either a Branch Rep - we had a branch committee member shadow an "experienced CO" in 2015. Or an "experienced CO" will shadow a less experienced CO.
A note on "sub" CO's:-
They aren't subject to the 70 year old rule. So a booted "over 70" CO can sometimes be used in this role if he has been booted to the curb as a "special pioneer" and they don't want his sorry ass in Bethel and have dropped him in on some unsuspecting congregation as a CoBE or somesuch!
last week we had a reassurance ultrasound with our ob.
she was just supposed to check heartbeats on the two little ones and they were going strong!
but because she had extra time and she can be quite anal about her work (which is a good thing) she decided to take some measurements.
So sorry to hear about your baby, Darkknight. Humbled that you can share with us.
Please accept my heartfelt condolences. Rooting for Twin "A"!
just started getting on instant messaging platforms an audio clip having rev dr giles fraser talking about the russian ban on jws.. this is very similar to the post on guardian.
discussed here: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5668600843075584/guardian-russia-persecution-jehovahs-witnesses-begins-all-over-again.
link to the 3 minute audio clip: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p050zjdq.
BBC Radio 4 is the "flagship" BBC national radio programme in the UK.
bra april 19, 2017 to all congregations re: branch relocation visitor centre.
visitor information sheet.
I'd rather stick pins in my eyes.
Note the use of "thrilling" and "another treat".
Stick on a suit, sit in a coach and drive over 200 miles to watch where the self-important parrots will live in their gilded cage.
Oh, and don't forget to contribute.
april 19, 2017 to all bodies of elders and ministerial servants re: kingdom ministry school for the 2018 service year.
End of Monday Session
"Keep Pace With Spiritual Enlightenment."
AKA "Suck it up and obey because we've moved the goalposts boys ..."
End of Thursday
"Safeguarding the Cleanliness of the Congregation"
AKA "Kick out any who don't worship the Governing Body."
just started getting on instant messaging platforms an audio clip having rev dr giles fraser talking about the russian ban on jws.. this is very similar to the post on guardian.
discussed here: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5668600843075584/guardian-russia-persecution-jehovahs-witnesses-begins-all-over-again.
link to the 3 minute audio clip: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p050zjdq.
It certainly messes with JW heads!
A "Babylon the Great" minister defending them and doing a better job of it than by instructing your minions to post a gazillion letters to Putin.