Nice light conversations ...
Daughter: " ... I'm scared the demons might get me."
You: "You silly sausage - demons are just like Scully from Monsters Inc."
Daughter: "Bbbbutt Mommy and Nanna say they're real and if I don't obey Jehovah they'll get me!"
You: (Laughing) "Your Mommy and Nanna are very good ladies but they do believe some silly stuff. I mean - can you imagine a demon wanting to live down the back of the sofa when they've got all those great castles over in Europe where they could go?"
Daughter: "Mommy said if I mock the demons they'll get me!"
You: "I've laughed at demon stories from before you were born! It's a load of old nonsense - now shall we go and get a McDonalds? - I want a demonburger with added Satan sauce! What about you?"
Treat it light light light!