Pure speculation here ...
Now we have Regional Conventions n'est-ce pas? Typically bigger than CA's and smaller than DC's were.
I could see the borg getting rid of society paid CO's and having a society paid Regional Overseer instead.
Here's the plan, Stan ...
Let's say that depending on geography, demographic etc., that in "the west" a Regional Convention is attended by between about three and five circuits. So you have ONE society paid R.O. plus (usually) Mrs. R.O. too. (Maybe assign an unpaid Asst. from among the local heavyweights too; after all less building work for new KH's mean more thumb twiddlers from the old RBC that would like to get away from the alternative trolley cart work.)
Now you keep your circuits but the R.O. only attends these once per year/once per two years and you extend the cycle to every four years (less admin to faff about playing musical chairs with too) so that the congs only have the REAL DEAL every year or other year instead of six monthly.
All the other visits are done by the "wannabe" Substitute CO's (now R.O.) who use their own vehicles and submit limited expenses to the borg direct but get most of their costs from the congs directly. No Circuit Flat, no circuit car, health cover, etc.
By increasing the unpaid Sub CO's to say six per circuit from the local area you have opportunity for the pioneer wannabe's to "Reach Out" and do a bit of "lording it".
You could go further and say make the CO visit every 9 months or just annually.
Result ...
1. $$$$$$ saved by the bucket load.
2. Still got control because if a cong. goes "off piste" the R.O/Branch can get stuck in.
3. Incentive for wannabe's to be C.O. Lite.