Anecdotal report from a PIMO who attended a JW memorial service last weekend at a KH in England on a Saturday afternoon.
Divorcee in her 70's died between Xmas and New year. No family in jw's. She became a Jw in about 1980. Health problems and then pretty much housebound last few years. Regular listener on the phone link. Would get visited by elders with the CO from time to time.
Congregation about 75 - guess how many from her congregation turned up to the JW memorial service?
My source tells me she counted 29 present OF WHICH only 17 were from the dead sister's congregation.
10 others were mainly over 70's from the congregations (2) that share the kingdom hall. 1 she didn't recognise at all and even 1 DF'd chap turned up that had gone years ago!
She said the only elders (out of a possible 9) that turned up were the old boy taking it (78) and the old boy who said the prayer (81).
What a friggin' memorial for nearly 40 years service to the "one true god!"