No. Good (as in good for JW propaganda) cart experiences are notable by their absence round my way ...
Posts by freddo
Moving experience told in the assembly "cart work".
by James Mixon inremember in the 60's and 70's experiences told in our assemblies, "i was a hippie long hair homeless,drugs and etc, now i wear a suit don't smoke or do drugs and happy as hell.
anyone heard any experiences lately in the assemblies?????
how about i was homeless and i walked up to this cart, the two women ignored me as i stood at the cart.
When Your Adolescent Questions Your Faith
by Funchback in
this article doesn't touch on the topic of what a parent shoud do if their teenager has made an educated decision to stop attending meetings.
but, hey...what else do you expect from the watchtower coporation?.
They talk some bollocks don't they?
How about this possible scenario - d'you think it will ever be on jborg?
SON: So I looked on jwfacts, double checked all his quotes from our literature and found that what he says they said is 100% true ...
MENTAL MOM: (Hands over ears) "Lalalalalalalalala! I can't hear you!"
SON: What's more, Gran told you that you wouldn't go to school "in this system" and she's sat in a wheelchair dribbling as she minds a trolley cart waiting for the end to come like they said in 1914, 1925, WW2, 1975 ... the generation ... "
MENTAL MOM: (Running screaming from the room) "I can't hear you .... "
SON: So I won't be coming to any meetings - but I'll get a job and do some college and pay my way and keep your house rules.
DELUDED DAD: (Thinks: Hmmm my qualifications might get called into question) "Get out now!"
Visiting Japan and saw one of those Carts. What is the purpose of those book carts for the borg?
by adjusted knowledge ini'm in japan for three weeks visiting my sister-in-law and brother.
the people are so polite and i came across two female jw using the cart.
it is the same experience i noticed back in the states.
The carts are next to useless. Worse than useless.
No converts to speak of.
The only conversations (besides with each other and texting their mates) are with the slackjawed, the needy, the crazies and apostates.
And even those conversations are rare.
Let's all play a game! What does this passage of the Bible tell us about Jehovah?
by stuckinarut2 inlets play a fun game?.
we all know that as witnesses, we were constantly told to read the bible, and ask ourselves what the passage we read reveals about god.. as an example, here is a wt that highlights this.. may 2016 wt study edition "benefit fully from jehovah's provisions".
8 ask questions.
Judges Chapters 19 through 21 ...
... with raped and chopped up concubines, virgin daughters offered to the baying mob (yawn - again?), Israelites killing Benjaminites but not being enough death to satisfy bloodthirsty Yahweh so he let's the Benjaminites kill the Israelites a bit too.
What do I learn about the Old Testament desert God from this? He is a murderous narcissistic fruitloop.
If I got through Armageddy I'd last about a week before I upset his sorry ass and got zapped.
Crossing the Elders
by Cold Steel infew things draw my interest as much as people on this board who talk about the elders, the insidious little toadies who lurk around kingdom halls, the proverbial big fish in little ponds.
it amazes me the terror and the veneration they inspire, as well as the occasional ridicule.
it makes me wonder how they're selected and whether most of them come into the position with a sense of power, entitlement, authority and control, or whether many of them are pretty nice people and that i'm just hearing about the bad apples?
However good and kind and caring elders are, do not forget that they are deluded. Deluded to the extent that whatever they tell you privately, however kind and reasonable and caring - all that will go out of the window when the C.O. or the Branch tells them to act differently.
They will disfellowship their own mothers if the CO or the branch lean on them to do so.
Why do the scan of all publications? To find "gems" like these
by ILoveTTATT2 infrom a very obscure tract called "the broadcaster", july 13, 1925:.
Get a "green" NWT bible. This is from the "Revised 1970 C.E." edition I am holding in my hand ...
Go to page 1461 entitled TABLE OF THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE.
The left hand column has "Name of Book" then columns for "The Writer" "Place Written" "Writing Completed (B.C.E)" and finally "Time Covered" (B.C.E)
For the first book we have ...
Genesis - then in the last column (time covered) it says that after Genesis 1 v 2
Time covered "After 1:2 46,026 - 1657 B.C.E"
This shows that at least in 1970 that JW's had 7 creative days of 7,000 years as their theology. So that means that JW's say that after Genesis 1 v 2 the year is 46,026 BCE so if you go six creative days (6 x 7000) then:
Day 1 is 46,026 to 39,026
Day 2 is 39,026 to 32,026
Day 3 is 32,026 to 25,026
Day 4 is 25,026 to 18,026
Day 5 is 18,026 to 11,026
Now the fun starts because Mad Freddie Franz would have us believe that Adam was created at the start of Day 6 - hence 6000 years of man's existence would be -
Day 6 starts 4,026 BCE and runs until 1975 CE/AD - then 1,000 years of Christ's reign and Ta Da! 7 creative days = 49,000 years.
Convention Introductions 2017 "Don't Give Up!"
by accesible inconvention introductions.
2017 “don’t give up!” convention.
36. Dress and Grooming
Suit jackets must match trousers and be either dark gray, blue or black in color. Shirts must be pale - light blue, cream, gray or white. Shoes must be black and shiny. Socks must be black. Underwear, while not seen must reflect Jehovah's high standards and should be white. Ties must be dark and not too wide nor too narrow. Bow-ties are permitted in the United States, but only if the Congregation Service Committee of the delegate's congregation sign in triplicate that the delegate is a complete and utter knob end.
37. Tightness of pants (trousers).
To ensure that pants are not too tight then please follow this procedure.
1. Put on trousers. Do up trousers.
2. Take a medium sized banana between 5 and 7 inches in length and not less than 1.5" in diameter and not bent. (These can be obtained from older pioneer single sisters of a certain age or from many married but "unhappy" sisters of a certain age)
3. Ask Brother Gaylord from the platform department to slide the banana up each trouser leg. If the banana can be slid up the trouser leg then the pants are permissible to be worn according to the AM3 standard.
How Far Up The Ladder Did You Go In JW Land?
by minimus ini pretty much did it all.
vacation pioneered as a youngster and became a regular pioneer out of school.
i became a ms then an elder.....the organization pushes you to be somebody within the confines of their realm.
Toes up said ... "We were told that they are laying off 50ish Bethelites. A comment was made, "they are still young enough to pick up and get a job."
"WT only cares about WT and what it "appears" to be. "
Happened to a couple last year - here in the UK. Landed in our circuit.
He's mid fifties, she's late 40's.
He's a pleasant enough mediocre elder by all accounts who let slip that his world had been turned upside down and that he cried when told he was getting the "bumsrush" after 25 years in Bethel.
Poor sod is working as a window washer (what else?) for another brother who has built an office and window cleaning empire. He's not pioneering.
The wife has a part time job as a care assistant for the NHS and pioneers.
They live in a flat on a council estate (local authority/social housing area) owned by the "worldly" husband of a nice sister at a rent about 20% cheaper than market rates.
So who pays their wages and gives them a good deal? Worldly organisation, worldly landlord and a brother who gets "frowned upon" for being materialistic.
55 and out on his ass!
Gas or Electric Stove
by just fine ini am getting new appliances.
i have decided on black stainless for the finish.
the house is stubbed for gas and electric for the range.
"Gas hob and electric ovens.
Plus a camping gas stove in case the electric goes off, the hob needs electricity to light!
Agree on Gas hob and electric oven(s).
A box of matches or hand held lighter lights gas when the piezzo thing doesn't work due to electricity outages!
Convention Introductions 2017 "Don't Give Up!"
by accesible inconvention introductions.
2017 “don’t give up!” convention.
"34. Confidentiality: You and everyone working with you must keep in mind that convention program information, releases, and so forth are to be kept confidential until the information is presented from the platform."