Isn't there a scripture about not using this world to the full? Seems WT uses every financial loophole it can find to its benefit ...
1st Cor. 7 v 31
may 24, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: donations to “jehovah’s witnesses of india” by indian passport holders.
Isn't there a scripture about not using this world to the full? Seems WT uses every financial loophole it can find to its benefit ...
1st Cor. 7 v 31
june 29, 2017 to all congregations re: branch relocation - newsletter.
britain branch relocation - newsletter ed.5 summer 2017. .
I dunno - how many "apartments" to a floor - 6?
X by 25 = 150 x 2 people per apartment = 300 residents? This might even include guest accommodation for visiting GB members and other "dignitaries."
Huge scale back from present facilities (which will easily pay for this and then some.)
Once they're completed by deluded volunteer drones doing "Jehovah's work" (and avoiding D2D and cart work) watch out for the mass firings of even more Bethelites (no more printing from March next year remember) ...
Bethelites being enthusiastic about this = turkeys voting for Xmas!
if memory serves me, when it was first introduced elders had to fill out a form to grade a jw, and only those who made the grade could do the carts.. i didn’t realize until sir82 said something on another discussion that the process had changed.. what is the process nowadays?
Local cong. it is usually most publishers who would be allowed to aux. pioneer. However smellies, crazies, elder-baiters need not apply.
Metropolitan (circuit organised for a larger town or city and it's the reg. pios plus solid elders, min. servs and their wives and a handful of favoured exemplary publishers allowed by the service committee.
the july jw broadcasting camera zooms in on tony's ring at around the 8:30 mark here:
maybe it's not a big deal.
maybe it is.. in my opinion, it's being kind of flashy.
He's an overdressed, overweight, overbearing, self-important, deluded and demanding little porker.
why did ancient israel go to war?.
what some people say.
the israelites worshipped a bloodthirsty “tribal war god.”.
The Israelites worshipped a bloodthirsty “tribal war god.”
Yup! That's about it. Read Judges 19 through 21 if you don't believe me.
he ran into me a work and asked could he come , i said only if you're by yourself and don't wear company garb.
3 hours later and i might as well talked to myself.
i used every illustration and persuasive argument.
If you've said similar to anybody else who is a loyal JW then they have their two witnesses to DF you. (Which of course is why many of us haven't got the balls to do what you did.)
so as of july 2nd my wife delivered by c-section our little one pound, three ounce daughter izabella.
it was a very scary night that started with a decel and turned into multiple decels that greatly concerned the doctors.
by early morning they felt the need to take her for her safety.
Keeping fingers (and everything else) crossed so that all continues to go well!
here in holland is organizing for the first time the yearly conventions like circuits.
the whole summer the new convention hall is used for small group conventions instead of 10.000 seat external halls.. it keeps the money in the organization.
not renting external buildings.. the 29.000 witnesses here are divided now into 2.000 seat audience.. g..
The last sort of glimmer of JW camaraderie I experienced was at Twickenham in 2014. 40,000/50,000 odd I think. Before that it was outdoor stadiums with about 8,000 to 12,000 so fairly sizeable. (Going way back to early Twickenham, Swindon, Southampton, Bournemouth and Cardiff in the 70's through 90's it was 10K to 30K and Wembley of 1969 with a peak of 80K)
It was wearing thin by then (2014) But that was the last jw camaraderie I experienced in the UK. After that it has been indoor arenas with less than 6,000. Souless dumps - but in 2015 and 2016 I was missing the Friday and this year I will probably show up just for the Sunday "to keep the peace".
the watchtower has held for many years that jesus died on a stake and held strongly to this teaching.
w 1951 3/15 the above agrees with the new world translation of the christian greek scriptures in its appendix, page 769, in saying that the instrument upon which jesus was nailed was a stake without a crossbeam, and not the religiously represented “cross”; and that the greek word used for that instrument in ancient time meant a “stake” and not the conventional religious cross.
they are no longer certain on this point.
SBF said - "I think they previously conceded it might be a cross shape but said ultimately it doesn't matter."
Yes I seem to remember this too SBF.
we decided to add the graphic showing my name and position so that you are all made aware that i'm a big cheese among jehovah's witnesses.
for example, i'm not backward about being forward!
so when i made a speech against wearing tight pants some thought i'd be deleted from the governing body!
Oh yeah and don't stay in your comfort zone or go after material things and support the brothers in your congregation by "reaching out" like we said in the Watchtower today.
Don't take a better job and go for a comfortable life. The Governing Body loves you, remember!