Fantastic advice here and welcome to all the recent posters!
But never say never. Just don't hitch your hopes and dreams to that wagon.
I'm a born in an ex-elder of 30 years and it took several years to wake up. But I did.
well, it's been a long time!
i first lurked here around 20 years ago and read huge amounts of threads which certainly helped when i was making my decision to leave the religion.
i was never baptised (resisted it!
Fantastic advice here and welcome to all the recent posters!
But never say never. Just don't hitch your hopes and dreams to that wagon.
I'm a born in an ex-elder of 30 years and it took several years to wake up. But I did.
we know from casual observation that if anybody does respond to their preaching/recruiting work it is usually someone that is a social misfit in some way or a person that was indoctrinated early in life.. think about all the nicer neighborhoods witnesses preach in.
if a family of four with a father that is an engineer and a mother who is a medical professional ever walked into a kingdom hall for the first time and said they were studying, people would faint.
lol.... this of course isn't what you would expect from a religion backed by the ultimate intelligent creator.
In the late 60's and early seventies, especially pre '75 we'd get a few families from door to door, (Mum, Dad, Kids - not middle class though) some that are still around now as grandparents, kids and grandchildren - attending meetings and become the elders from the first or second born-in generation.
But they are now dying and going into care homes (the original parents) and some of their kids in their 40's and 50's are a lot less committed (lots of hols and absenteeism). The grandchildren below age 30 just hang on in there for social reasons or have become absent.
But the last family that came in from the door to door work would be in the 80's. Since then it's been oddball singles and vulnerable single mothers.
Give it 3 years and I reckon our three eldest elders (late 70's) from this era and their wives will be "spare wheels" as in useless to run any KH stuff, in and out of hospital, in care homes or dead.
The last middle class types seem to be the now elderly sons of women who came in from door to door in the 1940's and 50's who were supported financially by their non jw middle class husbands.
a friend of mine has contacts to a family with several circuit overseers and special pioneers.
they have good connections to bethel.. he told me that the latest rumor from bethel states that the cos should be abolished in their present form.
they have also recently begun to take cos back to bethel.. over the same channel i have already heard of the car fleet program and that the dos should be abolished.. has anyone else already heard of it?
Another way would be simply to have a CO cover two circuits (40 congs - maybe less with cong closures) with help from Sub CO's. Maybe rename them T.O.'s (Travelling Overseer).
1st visit REAL CO. 2nd visit SUB CO. 3rd visit REAL CO. 4th visit sub CO etc.
"Good" congo's might get two Sub CO visits in a row. "Naughty" ones an extra REAL C.O. visit.
That way you halve the number of CO's at a stroke. Save a fortune. The only extra expense might be more miles on the "circuit car".
Control pretty much maintained. $$$$ up. Expenses down. Sub CO's can feel important and have more wannabe pioneer elders reaching out.
hi guys.
sooner or later we're going to get a jw knocking on our door.
just like when we were jw's doing the knocking, it's good to have a question prepared to get them thinking about their own beliefs.
After Jesus died and the Apostles ran the Christian church in the first century where did they meet for worship?
(In each others homes or they might rent a room - last supper)
And when Jesus was on the earth, where did he reside?
(Nowhere to lay his head - Matt 8 v 20)
So why does your organisation feel the need to own thousands of kingdom halls and build luxurious HQ's in Warwick and London?
(Need to support worldwide work ...)
Well with the internet and JWTV surely they just need a warehouse and a few offices out in the sticks and not take widows houses and Sophia's ice cream money?
(Lalalalala/Apostate/I can't hear you!")
a friend of mine has contacts to a family with several circuit overseers and special pioneers.
they have good connections to bethel.. he told me that the latest rumor from bethel states that the cos should be abolished in their present form.
they have also recently begun to take cos back to bethel.. over the same channel i have already heard of the car fleet program and that the dos should be abolished.. has anyone else already heard of it?
Pure speculation here ...
Now we have Regional Conventions n'est-ce pas? Typically bigger than CA's and smaller than DC's were.
I could see the borg getting rid of society paid CO's and having a society paid Regional Overseer instead.
Here's the plan, Stan ...
Let's say that depending on geography, demographic etc., that in "the west" a Regional Convention is attended by between about three and five circuits. So you have ONE society paid R.O. plus (usually) Mrs. R.O. too. (Maybe assign an unpaid Asst. from among the local heavyweights too; after all less building work for new KH's mean more thumb twiddlers from the old RBC that would like to get away from the alternative trolley cart work.)
Now you keep your circuits but the R.O. only attends these once per year/once per two years and you extend the cycle to every four years (less admin to faff about playing musical chairs with too) so that the congs only have the REAL DEAL every year or other year instead of six monthly.
All the other visits are done by the "wannabe" Substitute CO's (now R.O.) who use their own vehicles and submit limited expenses to the borg direct but get most of their costs from the congs directly. No Circuit Flat, no circuit car, health cover, etc.
By increasing the unpaid Sub CO's to say six per circuit from the local area you have opportunity for the pioneer wannabe's to "Reach Out" and do a bit of "lording it".
You could go further and say make the CO visit every 9 months or just annually.
Result ...
1. $$$$$$ saved by the bucket load.
2. Still got control because if a cong. goes "off piste" the R.O/Branch can get stuck in.
3. Incentive for wannabe's to be C.O. Lite.
apparently i'd been in prison, gone to wife-swapping parties and consorted with fortune tellers.
i guess they have to demonise those who leave less others too are tempted to stray.. what did they say about you?.
How on Earth does someone "consort with fortune tellers"? Crazy JW gossip ...
"thou shalt spy on and report your brothers and sisters to hq.".
editor's note: due to the nature of this story we've changed the names of the parties involved.
Hi "Bill Covert" - I see the difference in RNWT and NWT in Lev 5 v 1, and it's possible use as a tool for the organisation's needs going forward. (A bit like Micah 6 v 8 in highlighting the "loyalty" aspect of love?)
But as for finding out the reason behind the "Time to Speak" articled; well it's been around for 30 years so I am not sure what we are waiting for and looking forward to?
"thou shalt spy on and report your brothers and sisters to hq.".
editor's note: due to the nature of this story we've changed the names of the parties involved.
How do I know, "darkspilver"?
Firstly I didn't say I knew; I wrote "I suppose" which indicates that I think or assume that something is true or probable but lack proof or certain knowledge.
Which supposition I based upon what Zoos wrote in the original post.
"Within the drives, John said he stumbled upon sexually explicit material of a female colleague engaging in sexual acts with a man, who was not her husband."
Also, if she had committed illegal acts then would not her company have supported "John" and not her?
As there was no accusation of illegal acts I wonder why you feel it is an issue?
dragged to the convention, the speaker was from the canada bethel.. one of his talks went into the refugees not being welcome, and some countries attitude toward foreigners in general, and even mentioning acts of genocide.. he contrasted this with the bible, and showed the scripture where israelites were to be kind to other nationalities living among them(there is a verse that says that).. i don't think he gave the complete picture though, as israel also practiced genocide.. then jehovah said to me, ‘see, i have already begun to give siʹhon and his land over to you.
start to take possession of his land.’ 32 when siʹhon came out along with all his people to meet us in battle at jaʹhaz, 33 jehovah our god handed him over to us, so that we defeated him, his sons, and all his people.
34 we captured all his cities at that time and devoted every city to destruction, including men, women, and children.
Yup.They pluck old testament scriptures from their ass if it fits their agenda, only to leave out several others that would blow them out of the water.
Why are you still going? You've been on here over 14 years!
theme scripture , james 5 v 8 abbreviated to " you too, exercise patience".
(i guess we know what to expect now) .
" how long?
The Fall Guy said:
".. all contradicting & refuting what Jesus said at Acts 1:7."
I would add ... and Luke 21 v 8 ...