carla: Will the wt still have to pay the 4000.00 a day fine or does that go away with the settlement? sorry if I missed it.
different court case
... ... ... ...
Great isn't it? - When there are enough high profile cases against WT going on that we don't know which is which!
Posts by freddo
Jehovah's Witnesses to settle sex-abuse case - San Diego Reader (California, US), Friday, January 12, 2018
by darkspilver injehovah's witnesses to settle sex-abuse case - san diego reader (california, us), friday, january 12, 2018.
Would You Go To A Memorial Service For A JW )if you were no longer attending the KH)?
by minimus insome of my old jw friends are sickly and getting on in age.
so far, i’ve only gone to my mother’s memorial and have avoided the kingdom hall altogether.... your thoughts please?.
Anecdotal report from a PIMO who attended a JW memorial service last weekend at a KH in England on a Saturday afternoon.
Divorcee in her 70's died between Xmas and New year. No family in jw's. She became a Jw in about 1980. Health problems and then pretty much housebound last few years. Regular listener on the phone link. Would get visited by elders with the CO from time to time.
Congregation about 75 - guess how many from her congregation turned up to the JW memorial service?
My source tells me she counted 29 present OF WHICH only 17 were from the dead sister's congregation.
10 others were mainly over 70's from the congregations (2) that share the kingdom hall. 1 she didn't recognise at all and even 1 DF'd chap turned up that had gone years ago!
She said the only elders (out of a possible 9) that turned up were the old boy taking it (78) and the old boy who said the prayer (81).
What a friggin' memorial for nearly 40 years service to the "one true god!"
They have to step down
by Gorbatchov inwith all the leaked information, it has to be a one way direction to the exit for the watchtower leadership and gb.. they can not stay.. it can take time, but this is the only scenario.. g..
Not a chance I'm afraid Gorby. Sadly.
UK congregations transferred more than £4 million during 2015-17 to Watchtower HQ
by truthseeker in*** due to formatting issues when posting, i will be posting stats as a separate replies to this thread ***.
stats as of january 13, 2018. .
england and wales: 1,325 congregations.
Puzzling re: KEYNSHAM
Charity Commission rules (I believe) only say accounts have to be submitted and made public if INCOME exceeds £25,000 (used to be £10,000) in any one year. Which in the year ended 2015 KEYNSHAM they have shown their accounts.
The year ended 2016 shows no such commensurate expenditure so it must be sat in their account. If not then I wonder if some "clever accounting" is going on?
If it gets sent to WT Britain or IBSA or some other jw managed account then surely a large sum will be shown in their expenditure column. They have previously filed in January so are due to file soon.
Watch this space.
UK congregations transferred more than £4 million during 2015-17 to Watchtower HQ
by truthseeker in*** due to formatting issues when posting, i will be posting stats as a separate replies to this thread ***.
stats as of january 13, 2018. .
england and wales: 1,325 congregations.
Truthseeker - here is some factual/anecdotal stuff about KEYNSHAM congregation.
If forum members click on your link and then look at the detailed accounts for year ending 2015 they will see that a sister - one Christine Woodland - left the Congregation £139,000 in her will.
ANECDOTAL surmisation by Freddo
Soon (Charity Commission "soon" - not Watchtower false promise "soon" - I bet that there will be a similar sized hole on the other side of their accounts showing a six figure sum gone elsewhere. I wonder where? No prizes for guessing.
ANECDOTAL knowledge about KEYNSHAM
One of the elders hinted to me that they were having a bit of a battle with the CO/Bethel London about this legacy. Trustees felt it was left for the benefit of the congregation and wanted to ring fence at least some of it (note the needy fund in the CC accounts) and I know at least one elder was vocal in circuit elders fiance meetings about the persistent "deficit" at assemblies.
However as in all congregations there are plenty of elders who just go with the CO or Bethel "suggestions" like the pathetic cowards they can be (and I used to be). So I am sure that six figure sum will have gone to Bethel London already and will check their accounts later in the year as they HAVE to post them under CC rules.
Older JW: not happy
by Gorbatchov inthis week i visited my sick father in law.. then an old elder from my far away congregation came in for coffee.
did not see him in 15 years.. nice chat.
had a lot to say, is alone, his sick wife disabled and away from home.. he told me: "living alone is so hard.
joe134cd wrote ...
"BTW his 80s+ mother has a full size poster on her wall of all the governing body members."
Older JW: not happy
by Gorbatchov inthis week i visited my sick father in law.. then an old elder from my far away congregation came in for coffee.
did not see him in 15 years.. nice chat.
had a lot to say, is alone, his sick wife disabled and away from home.. he told me: "living alone is so hard.
I do notice the same. In our hall, in less than 18 months five in the over 70 age group have died. That's five out of 70 publishers. I just counted up that there are 15 more in the 70 plus age range still attending or listening on the phone link up.
With 3 exceptions - an 80 year old woman who DID go to college before becoming a JW and who is "up-together" and cheerful and a couple in their late 70's who seem healthy and "jolly" - they are all miserable, ill or depressed.
They know in their hearts that the 50 to 60 years some of them have been JW's has put them no nearer to the new system they were so convinced of walking into.
Oprah For President!
by minimus ini hope hollywood helps make her the democratic nominee.
she sounds like she’s testing out the waters.
good luck ms. winfrey.
Now I think you guys and gals in the USA should put up Judith Scheindlin for President.
Manmade rules
by Jrjw ini was talking to someone a few years ago and he said in his congregation they have a rail of white shirts prepared in the cloakroom for if a speaker doesn't have a white shirt on.
it was a rule in their hall that all brothers in the platform must wear white shirts when going talks and if the speaker won't comply when asked to change into the shirt they provide an elder in the congregation will do the talk instead.
i have never known any other halls do it so it must be a rule the elders have made up without gb input.
Knock! Knock! Sept 2017 Broadcast.
by freddo inplease would someone with more skills than me link to "knock!
" a section of the sept 2017 jborg broadcast at 44.00 mins to 53.00 mins approx.. please watch and add your thoughts.
It is very real and still up on jborg broadcasting - go to the September 2017 broadcast and start at about 44 mins ...
I thought how strange they would show off the millions now living will never die! leaflet; have two kids (who have lost their mother in death) shown as grown up and staying the course awaiting the resurrection with their family around them.
Do they not see that the millions now living who would never die (even if they were little girls just then) are around 90 years old if that film was set in about 1935?