This letter is disgusting! Call the legal dept - NO call the effing police, 2 witnesses!!! are they so dumb on purpose - so angry at this, will read the rest later becasue I've got so mad
JoinedPosts by imconfused
We will decide who is a predator! New Watchtower Instructions to Elders on Child Abuse
by Jaime l de Aragon inmust read on jehovahs witnesses watchtower arrogance in failure to warn of congregation pedophiles..
My cat
by imconfused inthis is probably the stupidest thing to ever be wriiten on here, but i need to just talk/type it out.. my cat got run over last night & killed, i am a complete mess.
my hubby has gone away with work today for a few days today so im on my own & i cant cope.
i know loads of you will think, it was just a cat get over it, but dam i hurt so much.
Thanks so much everyone, and Im sorry for all you others who have lost your pets. I still cant get over how much I hurt. its been 2 weeks now and Ive not cried for the last 2 days, so Im getting there.
We have picked out a new kitten, but have to wait for 6-7 more weeks until shes weaned. Shes so pretty.
Know exactly what you mean about the memories, I keep pulling up in the car at home & waiting to see her little face looking out the window - as she could tell it was us by the sound of the car. Ive only just about stopped thinking I can hear her and jumping up to let her in the window.
Think Im going to get some pictures blew up of her onto canvass as she was such a beautiful cat. We have decided the new cat isnt allowed out and is to be an inside cat, feel bit bad for this but I cant stand the thought of her getting run over. We have fields all around us which is perfect, but out front over a little field is a main road.
Anyway, thank you again xx
Were you SPANKED?
by unshackled indon't get all excited...i don't mean lastnight.
spankings were a regular occurence in my family, and don't think that was uncommon for born-in jws.
my parents loved the line "we spank you because we love you.
Me & my brother were spanked/smacked a lot growing up, sometimes we probably deserved it but other times it was for nothig, depending on what was handy & how bad we were deemed to have been we got smacked with, dads belt, mams slipper, or dads steel toe capped shoes, my brother sometimes got made to dangle from his bunk bed, so his legs were in midair & get smacked like this - apparently it hurt more - always with the "hurts me more than you" or " jehovah tells me to do this to you" when I got older I told my dad never ever to hit my younger sis & bro like he did with us & he never did.
We often had bruises on our behinds or back of our legs and couldnt sit for a while.
Intestinlgy, the smacking only started when the peraon who studied with my mam told her she had to start smacking me for being noisy at meetings (I was 3) & showed her the rod scripture
Also in the hall I grew up in, if some jw was child minding for another jw they always gave them permission to smack the child & they usually did. I dont have children yet, but if/when I do - no one else gets to discipline them.
IMHO I think a small smack on the hand etc if they go to touch something hot can be ok, but smacking/spanking isnt.
My cat
by imconfused inthis is probably the stupidest thing to ever be wriiten on here, but i need to just talk/type it out.. my cat got run over last night & killed, i am a complete mess.
my hubby has gone away with work today for a few days today so im on my own & i cant cope.
i know loads of you will think, it was just a cat get over it, but dam i hurt so much.
thank you so much everyone. Your kind words are really helping. Poor hubby sat up all night holding me even tho he was upset too. He would have cancelled going away but flights, meetings etc were booked so I told him to go, Id be ok. Now im in the house alone tho its awful. Not looking fwd to tonight, she slept on the bed at our feet so we could feel her weight there all the time, and it made me feel safer not being in the house alone when hes away, so tonight will be hard. Ging to try get a little sleep now as things are starting to blur, cant eat cos feel so sick.
My cat
by imconfused inthis is probably the stupidest thing to ever be wriiten on here, but i need to just talk/type it out.. my cat got run over last night & killed, i am a complete mess.
my hubby has gone away with work today for a few days today so im on my own & i cant cope.
i know loads of you will think, it was just a cat get over it, but dam i hurt so much.
Thanks guys, believe me I'm crying good & hard and thinking about getting the vodka out but trying not to. Its only 4pm and it'l make me feel worse. She was only 2, healthy, active & hillarious - in my head we would have her until she was really old. We'd jsut been to the pet store & bought her some new toys too (she was very spoilt!)
Major (5 star) barf alert about DC experience
by blindersoff incomments from our dear sister in the fort worth, tx area.
her email address is: xxxxxxxxxx [ pm me if you want it]
"i went to the sunday session of the convention this week and it was so .
these stories are so silly they MUST be made up! And theres always some kind af variation on the same theme.
Yet, they never tell of the people who say, "dont give me the friday off then I quit" so the boss says fine, youre fired. I heard about this happening to someone and they didnt get a new job for years, as the reference from the previous employer stated that if he didnt get time off when he wanted he would threaten to quit.
My cat
by imconfused inthis is probably the stupidest thing to ever be wriiten on here, but i need to just talk/type it out.. my cat got run over last night & killed, i am a complete mess.
my hubby has gone away with work today for a few days today so im on my own & i cant cope.
i know loads of you will think, it was just a cat get over it, but dam i hurt so much.
This is probably the stupidest thing to ever be wriiten on here, but I need to just talk/type it out.
My cat got run over last night & killed, I am a complete mess. My hubby has gone away with work today for a few days today so Im on my own & I cant cope. I know loads of you will think, it was just a cat get over it, but dam I hurt so much. Hubby works away a lot so its just often me & her and it just makes it not so lonely having this little thing to look after, she was part of the family. She didnt come in when we shouted, which she usually does, so we went looking for her & thought she was just in the fields chasing mice, went back out an hour or so later with the torch & my hubby checked the road near the house and came back with her collar with tears in his eys. I almost collapsed. Anyway we got a box and picked her up, we were going to bury her but as we live in the country I couldnt bear the thought of a fox digging her up or a tractor digging the fields over & getting her. So we took her to the vets this morning and they will sort everyhitng.
I used to hear of people upset over pets & think surely not. I havent stopped cryingh since last night, have had about 2 hours sleep & just feel and look rough. Feel empty. The house is so quiet, ive slowly started packing her things away as seeing them is so painful, but keep getting to upset to do it.
Feel so silly for this but I just need to sort of talk
Sorry guys x
Jan. 15th WT- Go to Meetings to Fight the Blues- Eliminate other Activities
by flipper inour jw contact sent us the " witness only " wt's again and i just had to make a thread on this mind numbing article.
starting on pg.22 in the jan.15th it deals with " coping with discouragement ".
it seems lots of jw's are under intense stress these days ( can you blame them ?
My mam told me a few months back, if only me & my bro would come back our money problems would be solved and our depression!! We both have depression and my mam reckons it can be fixed by going back to the meetings!!! She has it too & it hasnt helped her going to meetings! I found it quite insensitive when she said this to me - my bro has tried to kill himself twice and I have had serious thoughts also - I just dont see how meetings can stop that??? Oh yea, becasue it cant!
CO visit last Tuesday- Platform announcement
by DeeDubs inwe had the co visit in the cong last week.
he reread the pioneer letter for april at the end of the meeting on tuesday, he basically stated he was looking especially forward to every elders and ms and their families application, and it would be nice to see out of the 150 publishers with the elders and ms and their families "taking the lead" if we could break 100 aux pioneers that month.
you could hear a pin was a bit strong to say the least.
An elder in my parents cong, was pioneering & only had enough time to work 2 days a week and no time with his family (he had a family - wife & 2 children) and all he did was moan they couldnt afford things and took handouts from people in the hall - inc my paprents, my mam kept buying bags of shopping etc for them, took them away on hol & paid for everything for them (my mam & dad just get by as it is and both work). I was so mad when I found out & I told her either he needed to work properly or the wife should work if this is how they want to live, anyway bit back my mam let slip that the elders wife had told her he was coming of pioneering to work more & spend time with his family as it was causing to much trouble at home - idiot!!
Could you send me the link too please