Ok I just have to say this. Reniaa said things like: "she will only deal with the elders for now......" How loving does that sound. Then she said: "she could be reinstated by as early as six months........" Repentence is something intirely up to this woman and God. And I bet you a billion dollars God and her are ok. Without realizing it Reniaa you just proved that this whole df thing is man-made with those statements. Thank you for showing ptrehearn152 that info straight from an active jw. And yes, ptrehearn152, when the "elders deal with her" your not going to like it.
ptrehearn152, as much as you love this woman, if she is even thinking about heading back in the jw direction for whatever reason, you are in for some problems to say the very least. It wont be as easy as just 'let her do her thing' and you'll be there to support her. Although that is very loving on your part be prepared for some heartache. It's just the way it is in this jw world. There are tons of experiences on this board to confirm that. Reaching out here was a good thing for you though. Welcome!........wf