Sounds delish!
I'm not too good at the mixin... I like mine raw... and on the rocks... lol but they sure do sound yummy!
i'm a bartender and love a good cocktail!
key lime pie martini.
1 1/2 shots vanilla vodka, preferably stolichnaya or 3 olives.
Sounds delish!
I'm not too good at the mixin... I like mine raw... and on the rocks... lol but they sure do sound yummy!
yup...just got here and already jumped in for a few posts....hope yall're all life's been a little sucky lately, but things are perkin' up....getting the detritus out of my life and takin' a new path where work is everyone here an active jw or what?.
frannie b
Frannie... I'm likin your style already!
Love the term "deborganized"...
I deborganized in '97....(DA) ..
That must've been some letter! Hope you share it with us sometime...
yup...just got here and already jumped in for a few posts....hope yall're all life's been a little sucky lately, but things are perkin' up....getting the detritus out of my life and takin' a new path where work is everyone here an active jw or what?.
frannie b
Hi Frannie...
Welcome to the board!
I'm a what... are you active or what? LOL
i'm new to this, i've spent the past 2 years trying to pull my head out of the bs.
i've refused to live a double life - i have nothing to hide - apparently others think otherwise!
so i'm ignored - no problem, makes the bs easier to ignore.
Welcome to the board lookin...
LOL... I think I've been where you are ... not quite sure though... lol
Are ya in, or are ya out... it only matters to clarify your post...
I hope we can help you out here... there's lots to check out... and for the most part.. people here are pretty cool...
Toodles for now
edited for spelling
i am a "worldly" person, not of any religion and am soon to be marrying a long-term disfellowshipped jehovahs witness.
she has not been of the religion for over a decades time and seemingly her immediate family has accepted this through the years.
we've traveled across country together so she could introduce her family to me and have not had any problems.
This is the old emotional blackmail thing... it's typical really of JWs...
Whatever you do, please don't be blackmailed into becoming a witness.... the family of your bride to be is trying to get her to get back in, if she doesn't they will shun her outright... it's a tactic... a painful and manipulative one... it may hurt, but don't fall for it. She should be wise to this by now and hopefully she won't fall for it.
If you don't become witnesses, then don't expect them at the wedding... have the wedding for yourselves... and have fun! If they want to play this game then let them pay the price...
As far as living in harmony with them??? Good luck... there will always be times that they will pull the rug out from under you and you probably won't even know why.... I think "tolerance" is more the term your looking for here... and there will be precious little of it ... it depends on the individual. Witnesses are basically policed by other witnesses. It makes having any kind of normal family relationship very difficult...
I hope you do some research on this... this site is very helpful for that...
Congrats and Best wishes to both of you....
edited to add comment
first question: who the hell is the "dove of oneness"?
second question: what the heck is "nesara"?
third question: why isn't this on cnn or other mainstream media?
Well, I checked the website and looked at some links... I can't establish anything concrete, there is a lot of what seems to be religious rhetoric...
near as I can figure.. this is like a religion... based on alien and human co operation... in an attempt to overthrow the illuminati and save the earth from destruction....
It reminds me of the Scientologists.... very Hubbard ish...
Strange indeed...
please provide proof that elders are not appointed by holy spirit or are especially giftd with more holy spirit than anyone else.
okey dokey... I'll give it a go...
1. They believe lies...
2. They lie
3. They give the worst advice
4. They follow the worst advice
5. They don't love the Farkel (hadda throw that in)
6. They treat women like sh*te...
7. They disfellowship people... defend the guilty and punish the innocent...
8. They wouldn't know the truth if it fell on em...
9. They are witnesses
10. They are still witnesses
Ahhhhhh, well, I feel better now... of course this applies only in my personal experience...
it is a response to an injustice (a moral wrong).. it is a turning to the "good" in the face of this wrongdoing.
I especially appreciate #3.. the application of forgiveness... moral response and mutual respect...
Thank you for posting this...I'm writing it down in my quote book...
there was a character in the matrix who, after being released from the matrix, got tired of the real world and wanted to have his memory erased and his body put back in the factory so as to live out his days in a dream world.
have any of you ever wished you didn't know what you now know about the wt, or wish you could go back to the life where you had a sure hope and belief as to what the future would bring without your current knowledge about the 'truth'?
being 'unplugged' does have it's disadvantages.
I think the saying "Ignorance is bliss" kinda sums it up for me... when I was so convinced that it was the "truth", I was happy, but it was a pipe dream... I was happy at the expense of living in reality... how's that for matrixy... lol...
Now, that I'm not deluding myself, that innocent, naive, trusting conviction is gone. In it's stead is a healthy determination not to be hoodwinked again... I prefer the latter. But that's me.
We all have to grow up sometime...and loss of naive innocence is part of the process...I look at it kinda like any MLM now... getting tricked into making other peoples pocketbooks fatter, no matter the promises made is like being sold a car that doesn't work... it's a rip off, plain and simple...
what things did you have the toughest time with after leaving the borg ???.
i'm sure family opposition will rank in the top 5, cut-off by people who you thought were true friends, finding work, fighting lonliness, immediate family problems (wife / children).
any thoughts ???.
Undoing the mind control and doctrines... it was and still is a lot of work... but I've come a long way!