I'm an American, but have lived in Canada almost all of my life...
I think the problems between the US and Canada are political and don't speak to the heartfelt bond that the peoples of these two countries have. The two countries do have different ideals and they approach their decisions differently... depending on who is in Government of course...
Addressing the issue of the US being ticked at Canada for the war... Canada does hold a very strong international credibilty, and it was just that credibility that the US wanted to use to justify their actions, (I'm an American, and I love my country, but I don't condone these silly childish tactics that the Bush administration seems to be so fond of, and the US government should grow up.. it's flippin embarrassing for those of us living out of the country) Just turn the situation around... if Canada (who did, by the way, send ships, supplies and troops, lets not forget that in our rush to over generalize ) had in fact fully and without UN approval supported the action, exactly how would Canada be looking right about now? And Canadian credibility? That credibility the US courted so persistantly? Now, wouldn't that be in the toilet right about now...As an American, I feel that Canada acted very well indeed towards the US...especially it's people.... don't forget what Canada did for the US on 9/11... and after the fact... I think the Bush government would do well to remember that. (Interesting point: Britain who was up to it's neck and straining at the bit to go to war with Iraq was not so quick to judge Canada... it might behoove some of my American bretheren to think on that) America is now suffering a crisis in governmental confidence for just that action, as is the British government... but Canada still holds it's credibility...I believe that Canada has been completely exhonerated on it's position on the matter ... nuff said on that front...
As an American, I know personally how warmly affectionate and attached Canadians are to the US... Canadians love us, they don't necessarily agree with all of our politics... And I know, that Americans love Canadians too...ask any of the thousands of Americans who were offered a place in a Canadian home during 9/11...when they couldn't get home...or ask any American who was present for the huge and multiple memorials of that event... I'm sure they have no doubts.. except for maybe the Ambassador who seems to play his political game with so much finesse...but his daughter did marry recently in Canada...hmmmmm......seems he at least thoroughly enjoys the Canadian press...
As to the accents... I still have a clearly American accent, which is recognized in Canada... but my sister, who now lives in the US, speaks with a more clearly defined American North West accent... I live in a small town in Canada and this place has it's own accent... drive 20 minutes in any direction, and the accent differs... when I visit the states... people remark about how I speak... the a'boot thing... is a regional thing... not a national thing... house is still house.. but there is an emphasis in this place anyways on the "ou".... and everyone here says 'eh all the time.... apparently it comes from the french...and now is a fairly predominant feature in certain regions... but not everywhere in Canada...and now not only to the french... I think the states has the same situation... I can tell if someone is from New York, from the midwest, from Boston... Chicaugo, (which is close to where I was born) from Georgia, Texas... and Califonia... it's regional... not national...
I get to see the best and the worst of both coutries.. everyday... I love them both... I appreciate them both... and I hate what politics and rhetoric can do to people's opinions in very short order... it's really sad that more people don't disengage their mouths in favour of engaging their minds more often....
Hmmm.. had quite a bit to say about all of this... didn't mean to go on so long... but I thought it had to be said...
Just my two.. and a half...
oh, kilometres... one word... smooth as silk... house about????? We can work about the house.. but I've never heard of house about... I've heard of walk abouts... but not house abouts....lol....