Okay... I'll give it a go... I've got tomorrow off..... LOL...
1. Are you an exJW, but still have remnants (shhh) of former JW thinking? Yep and yep... that shyte is stuffed so deep in my brain it's gonna take more than 6 years to get it out.
2. Are you 'out' there? as in, not afraid to be seen on an apostate site, or known to be a former JW? Absofreakinlutely! I keep my name private though because there are real crazy people out there...
3. Are you angry, bitter or sad, as a result of your exposure and participation in JW activities/lifestyle? Yep and yep and yep... angry that I was duped ... bitter at all the crap I took while in it (take that WT!) and sad cause I want my 10 years back!
4. Do you still have this feeling 'Armageddon' could still come anyday or in the future? Nope, but I could win the lottery tomorrow! Now that would be miraculous wouldn't it? Are you listening God?
5. What was your biggest epiphany that lead you to leave the JWs, or at least make plans to do so? It was when in one single moment I realized I had wasted 10 years of my life selling books and magazines for a publishing company posing as a religion for FREE! <---I looked just like this at that moment... I still look like that... for goodness sakes... someone slap me already!
6. Do you still read/believe in the bible? You've gotta be kidding right? I beleive in beer, good wine and good times.... and sex... yep, definately sex...
7. Do you still believe in god/higher power? You hadda ask...if you wanna know that... you've gotta pay the price.......okay... I feel better now....this is a toughie... I do, and I dunno why... maybe its all that acid I dropped when I was a teenager....
8. Do you accept other exJWs with opposing views than yours: athieism/agnostic vs. belief in god/higher power? (vice-versa) Yep... we all gotta do what we gotta do...<---okay, that's just strange) I get a bit uppity when someone tries to sell me on their beleifs...as in mine aren't good enough... been there.. done that... never gonna do it again...oh wait.. is that Amway, Mary Kay, or Avon at the door?
9. Do you grade people on their disfellowshipping offenses? ie: apostacy, fornication, smoking etc. H. E. double hockey sticks NO! <---left all that back in the cave with him....
10. Are you still a JW? (no names required) AAAAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAAHAHAHHAH! AHEM.... UMMM, NO!
11. Anything you'd like to add, for what it's worth? *dragnet theme* The names of the emoticons in this reply have been changed to protect their identities... (On second thought.. and 6th beer, that wasn't as funny as I thought it was gonna be )
Okay... I know I've downed a few too many ... and I have no business posting here in this condition.... but, it was fun while I didn't know I was making a total of myself... I'll apologize in the morning...
Inq.. of the I still can't beleive we had snow class....