reniaa said:deism - belief in a disinterested God
that's not accurate. the difference between deist is we don't pretend to know what god wants, or, what his intentions are. we would rather live by a moral code because it's the right thing to do, not because we have spiritual pipe dreams.
most deist hope for some kind of after-life, but, we don't worry about it. whatever happens, happens. we don't use our ideas to control other people, we don't have churchs taking in millions of dollars in the name of god.
abraham lincoln said " when i do good, i feel good, when i do bad, i feel bad, i feel bad, that is my religion"
most of the great minds were deist. greek phylosophers, the founding fathers, albert einstein, the list goes on.
people crack me up when they say, read the constitution of the united states, we are a christian nation. BULLSHIT!!! yeah, go read the constitution, show me one time christ is refrenced. he's not!!!! this country was founded on deist principals.