The "Double Lifers" make me scratch my head too.
so about last night.... i am out at a local club (not restaurant, not event venue - a club) to see a rap concert.
now, i am with some friends minding my own business, and i find that i am standing right behind 3 active jw's - one of whom used to be my best friend.
this girl is as fake as they come: 1) she used to live with me and would bring non-jw guys home all the time, 2) was living with a man when she lived down south - until he dumped her, and then she decided to go back to jw's the 1st time and got reproved, and i supported her.
The "Double Lifers" make me scratch my head too.
we all sin and some sins are worse than others but blasphemy against the holy spirit is said to be unforgivable.what is considered to be an unforgivable sin?
Maybe I have:
Hasa Diga Eebowai!
In the butt.
And in both eyes.
Why not?
interesting to see if there's a noticeable trend in memorial attendance.
also did they talk more then usual about ones not to partake?
I think that is the reason that they rent a facility and combine congregations here. They are probably trying to hide how bad the attendance really is.
it's just so weird to me.
for a group that is against idolatry so much and yet each person has to "touch" the bread and wine.. one lady was standing and holding a baby.
she called the server over just so she could put her thumb on the bread and wine.. did jesus ever clarify what he wanted them to do in remembrance of him?
The answer is they have to stretch it out to fill up an hour.
i have posted one other time on this website.
just for the mere fact that i wasn't anger and bitter and ready to declare the gb the sociopathic criminals that so many here ascribe to, my initial question digressed to bickering over ad hominem attacks against the gb and not my beliefs that i'm questioning.
some did give me some help on my questions.
I am actually wearing a Misfits t-shirt.
i have posted one other time on this website.
just for the mere fact that i wasn't anger and bitter and ready to declare the gb the sociopathic criminals that so many here ascribe to, my initial question digressed to bickering over ad hominem attacks against the gb and not my beliefs that i'm questioning.
some did give me some help on my questions.
I am more an ex-JW anarchist or apatheist. I am a no cult zone.
i don't know who the idiots are that write, or approve these songs, ( the creative team of lett and tomo??
) but they suck!!
there is a line in the first song ( # 147 ) that blatantly contradicts the wtbts dogma of the heavenly calling being an invitation as opposed to a sure thing.
Always did . . . always will. Excuse me while I resume with my Dead Kennedys album.
a recent article in nature reports on a fish that has a pelvic girdle with features associated with terrestrial vertebrates.. discuss..
it's the forum's 16th birthday today!.
amazing that not only have we lasted so long but we're still thriving and growing.. thanks to all the people and often colorful characters who've contributed to the site over the years.
some are still here with us, some have since moved on, but all have touched each others lives in some way along our different journeys.. .
Each year alive is a good year.