The Minke whales are not endagered the Fins are considered endangered. Here is some more background. It honestly looks like both sides could be right legally. Someone needs to settle this before a human not a whale is seriously injured. In the meantime it's some great TV.
LEOLAIA- What is your personal reason? It's kind of a waste of a post not to say. You are too polite, this is a message board it's full of obnoxious personal opnions. LOL
From wikipedia (so it has to be true) but it does appear accurate:
Establishment of the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary was agreed upon by the IWC in 1994 with 23 countries supporting the agreement and only Japan opposing it.
The status of the Southern Ocean Sanctuary is reviewed and open to change by the IWC every 10 years. [ 1 ] During the 2004 meeting a proposal was made by Japan to remove the sanctuary, but it failed to reach the 75% majority required (it received 25 votes in favour and 30 votes against with two abstentions).
As sanctuaries only apply to commercial whaling, Japan has continued to hunt whales inside the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary because its whaling is done in accordance with a provision in the IWC charter permitting whaling for the purposes of scientific research (Japan also lodged a formal objection to the sanctuary with regard to minke whales, meaning that, in accordance with IWC rules, the terms of the sanctuary do not apply to Japan with respect to minkes). [ 2 ] The catch of the 2005 season (Dec 05-Mar 06) inside the sanctuary included 856 minke whales and ten of the endangered Fin whale. In 2007 - 2008 Japan planned to take 935 minke whales and 50 fin whales.