I am seriously considering taking a leave of absence to travel to East Africa, Kenya, Sudan or maybe Tanzania. I may be there volunteering with a secular organization or with a non-denomination christian ministry. I got my story down here pat, raised a JW, told other christians evil hypocrites out for my blood, wandered the earth ingesting every drug I could find, had a moment and realized most Christians are just like anyone else doing the best they can. Maybe I am too self concious but it's a good way to consendence my experience down for my fellow christians. What I don't know is would that seem harsh in Africa. Do the JW's get more respect there? Are they more laid back or harsher there. I get the impression they may just be another denomination in Africa not quite the self-righteous pricks they are here?
So my question is, can anyone here give me info on how the JW's interact with the Christian community in any of these countries. I am wondering if mentioning my JW background will be a plus or negative. On the plus I was very aware of what happened in Burundi and Rwanda in the 90's. On the negative if they are as "wheels off" there as they are here?
Your thoughts appreciated.