in order to refute it............they would have to read it. i highly doubt many would attempt to, even in secrecy
JoinedPosts by whathehadas
Refuting Franz's Crisis of Conscience
by irondork ini'm about halfway through crisis of conscience.
some pretty extraordinary stuff in there.. wondering, aside from telling people not to read "apostate material", has there been any official denial or refutation of the books contents by the watchtower society, official or otherwise?.
side note: franz is a wonderful writer, if a bit repetitive in places.
Showdown with my family
by fade_away inso i was at my parents house yesterday and an apostate vs j-dub showdown commenced.
i was merely just asking questions since they always told me that if i had any questions to feel free to ask.
so i did.....but they seemed angry at the fact i was asking such questions to begin with.
In that type of situation......It's a loss with a capital "L". Either you start questioning the "Bible based" beliefs or the glue that holds the Borg together, the Red flag for the Witnesses will fly up faster than you can say Jehovah God. If you want to get them to question, ask them something in regards to their methods such as counting time for Field Service. When does the time start for service? When you leave your house to meet the group? When you get to the Kingdom Hall? When the meeting for service is over? or When does Field service time stop? When you stop at dunkin donuts? When you stop for a restroom break? etc................
assemblies and alcohol
by pedal power inour dc coming up this weekend, i hated them and the only thing that kept me going ,was the reward of booze at the end of each then wife,zelous judgemental pioneer, you know the type,not only droned on about my drinking, but about everyones drinking, a real barrel of laughs not.
anyway, one year we went to another dc, in newcastle, all seemed to be going well, until lunch.we went over to a hotel for lunch,i ordered my fresh orange and food, a few minutes later, the local jw,s arrived for lunch, they had all pr-ordered drinks,alcoholic drinks, and not one drink but many !!!
they were buisy getting boozed up for the afternoon session,way to go, i was about to join them, when my wife told me " dont even think about it ", anyway she was outraged, but there they were ,with thier little convention badges, men and women, young and old, getting merry, they dont even do that here in scotland, !!!.
whathehadas guys would have been great to be around at those Conventions!! If I would have a drink there, I would have a Grey Goose and Red Bull or some Energy/Alcoholic beverages like a Sparks or Four Locos. Have one of them and your really buzzed but fully "aware" of the program.
Parallels to The Borg in movies?
by fade_away inhope y'all don't mind if i ghost write this post for my husband.... i recently let my friend borrow my copy of the movie "the island".
for those who haven't seen it, the plot takes place in a futuristic setting in los angeles where science has perfected human cloning.
the latest rage in medicine is to have a clone made and maintained for you should you ever need it for organ transplants.
They've been mention but I think these movies had the biggest Parallels to me. The Village, Equilibrium, Matrix, and believe it or not Blade(the first one). All these movies have in common is a central controlling force, whether its the supernatural or by Human means, and there is a individual or group of individuals that are defying the authority. They all start off with the protaganist being manipulated and decieved to believe in a world that doesn't really exist. Once the "real Truth" is revealed to them, they start to rebel and make a stand.
Rant Against the Borg HERE! NOW!
by Mad Sweeney indo you have a particular set of issues that really honk you off about the borg?.
would you like to just vent sometimes without having to engage in a drawn out discussion of the topic?.
are you reluctant to post your rant on someone else's thread for fear of hijacking it?.
LOL Inbyathread, Sorry to hear that your in a nightmare now. But guess what, think of those like me who NEVER had a chance to be in a dream in the first place, being the fact of being born in the Nightmare. ANGER, FRUSTRATION, BITTERNESS, etc, you name it, is the feelings associated with coming out of this cult. Funny but sad realizing that at almost 30yrs old and never having a first kiss not from momma. Fading from the borg at 27 and I will be 28 this year trying to recover and regain a social life. Those donkey dog bastards in New York ruin my teen and early adult life. It's a HARD PILL TO SWALLOW when I realize that I can never get those 26yrs of my life back. I can go on but it wouldn't be a PG rated post.
Did you watch R rated movies when you were in it?
by ldrnomo inlast night, i watched an r rated movie that featured violence.
at least 30 people were shot in the first 45 min of the movie.. while i was in and an elder, i watched r rated movies all the time just didn't talk about it.
so how many of you watched r rated movies even though "mother" said not to?.
I've watched so many R rated movies over the past 6yrs than I can account for. 5 of them being while in the Borg. Before Netflix and Redbox, I had a monthly pass first from Blockbuster(now almost defuncted) and Hollywood(defuncted). I rented at least 2 movies every week for about a year and most(about 95%) were R. Now it doesn't matter even if it is NC-17 or MA, just as long as the story, acting, and production is good I will watch. By the way, I have kept virtually all Movie tickets that I have acquired over the past 10yrs and quite a few are R. Like a Idiot One time I showed some JWS friends that collection since we were discussing this topic of R movies. They never sayed anything more about it since they ASSUMED that I had stopped seeing them.
WTBTS/JW Related Internet Radio Talk Show
by PublishingCult ini have been thinking about this for a while now, and i have decided to launch a non-profit internet radio talk show centered around jw/wtbts issues and related topics that may or may not be specific to the jw religion.
long before i jumped in to the six screens controversy, i considered doing something like this, and i think i am now ready to begin.
the format will be non-sensationalist, informative, educational, rational, objective, and i want no recognition for myself, and as little attention as possible.
Got a OG like the man Farkey
WTBTS/JW Related Internet Radio Talk Show
by PublishingCult ini have been thinking about this for a while now, and i have decided to launch a non-profit internet radio talk show centered around jw/wtbts issues and related topics that may or may not be specific to the jw religion.
long before i jumped in to the six screens controversy, i considered doing something like this, and i think i am now ready to begin.
the format will be non-sensationalist, informative, educational, rational, objective, and i want no recognition for myself, and as little attention as possible.
Who would be your guests? if you have any in mind right now
Seemed like it was time to make a video
by sabastious in
Nice vid Saba!! You look like a celebrity. You summed up the feelings of ExJWs on the JW community and the fight to have freedom. Got my subscription
WTBTS/JW Related Internet Radio Talk Show
by PublishingCult ini have been thinking about this for a while now, and i have decided to launch a non-profit internet radio talk show centered around jw/wtbts issues and related topics that may or may not be specific to the jw religion.
long before i jumped in to the six screens controversy, i considered doing something like this, and i think i am now ready to begin.
the format will be non-sensationalist, informative, educational, rational, objective, and i want no recognition for myself, and as little attention as possible.
Great PC!! Let's what you have stirring in your pot. I'm with Lovelylil on whether this will be a show primarily focused on the WT(doctrines, life, etc), anti christianity or roughly both. I know your working on the structure of the show so when you ready let us know. Maybe now you will have your contrast to the Six Screens tele-Conf.