Seemed like it was time to make a video
by sabastious 40 Replies latest jw friends
Great video Sab. I like your method of speaking to the camera.
Ironic isn't it? an exjw you can't even knock on the doors of your family, yet your jw family knocks on numerous doors of strangers.
I love your're cute and smart!
Nice vid Saba!! You look like a celebrity. You summed up the feelings of ExJWs on the JW community and the fight to have freedom. Got my subscription
Great video! I certainly understand a bit better.
But if you do send it, make it quick before they "study" the latest WT!
Thanks for the feedback.
Retro, after consideration I don't think I am going to send it. No reason to give them fuel, they have made their stance clear; fortunately for me and my future my stance is a little more open ended. The "outside world" doesn't give much margin for error and such obstinance is a heavy weight.
Nice vid Saba!! You look like a celebrity.
Dim lighting and an elaborate network of mirrors... wah lah!
Big ups Sab!
I have a question, what did you mean by you trust them?
I have a question, what did you mean by you trust them?
I trust them to be who they are. They have made their position so clear that I would have no problem being around them even with our opposing views because I have learned the skill of acceptance.
How do people of different political parties become good friends? Because they throw aside the fundamental differences and what's left might still be compatible; even enough for a real friendship to flourish.
Even if they ridiculed me for my views that is still a relationship. Words are pretty much nothing if no actions come along side them.