JoinedPosts by whathehadas
Another Music Artist that was raised a JW....
by whathehadas ini didn't know that this r&b artist from the mid 90's, case, was raised a jw.
one of the host (charlamagne tha god) on this radio show was raised one also.
go to the 18:50 mark where it's brought up.
@scary21 A lot of people I've talked to have notice that too. I see them every now and then in some neighborhoods but more so now on the streets with that literature cart. Guess they get more time with less effort now -
Another reason god is a terrible "father"
by _Morpheus inits easy to look around and say if a singular all powerful were real he would stop the suffering of man and animal, a position i support.
however there is another even more basic premise i have pondered at times as well (im sure im not the first of course) : would any loving parent ever hide from their children?
consider it... our all knowing all loving father hides from us even though we cry out to know him.
The all-important question revolves around Satan questioning Jehovah's right to rule the universe and the rightfulness of his rule. Nevermind how many billions of lives of his human creatures are expended and countless suffering mankind is put through so that "Jehovah's good name" is restored.
@EdenOne even that doctrine is screwed up with the JW because they believe "Jehovah's" name is not known to many. How can his "good name" be restored when people don't even know his name? BS for the JW and their billions of hours in wasted time
Another reason god is a terrible "father"
by _Morpheus inits easy to look around and say if a singular all powerful were real he would stop the suffering of man and animal, a position i support.
however there is another even more basic premise i have pondered at times as well (im sure im not the first of course) : would any loving parent ever hide from their children?
consider it... our all knowing all loving father hides from us even though we cry out to know him.
@_Morpheus that analogy of a deadbeat father is right on the money. You could even compare it to a President/Government that promises the people peace and prosperity. They give breaks to the wealthy, pass laws that are not logical and consistently let the bad guys get away. Somehow this gets harsh criticism and a "Not doing your job" tag. But a ALL knowing and ALL Powerful God doesn't.....What kind of BS is that? -
Another Music Artist that was raised a JW....
by whathehadas ini didn't know that this r&b artist from the mid 90's, case, was raised a jw.
one of the host (charlamagne tha god) on this radio show was raised one also.
go to the 18:50 mark where it's brought up.
Did Ray Franz ever address his thoughts on atheism?
by JWINQUESTION indoes anybody know if ray franz ever addressed his thoughts on atheism?
from what i've read, he was a diligent reader of the bible.
if anybody has any info and sources about this, it is highly appreciated.
@PokerplayerPhil Randy Watters/Dogpatch. On point with what Ray talked about in that last chapter. Speaking of Randy, when I awakened and read both those books. I wanted to read more from Ray but I was subconsciously trying to follow him/his beliefs instead of finding my own path and using the new freedom I had. I tried to ask Randy if he had the other book Ray wrote or co-wrote and Randy told me straight up that Ray is NOT a theologian. So I needed to stop trying to buy into his interpretation of the bible since Ray really was limited in real theology outside the WT. Was a hard pill to swallow at the time but true
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Did Ray Franz ever address his thoughts on atheism?
by JWINQUESTION indoes anybody know if ray franz ever addressed his thoughts on atheism?
from what i've read, he was a diligent reader of the bible.
if anybody has any info and sources about this, it is highly appreciated.
From what I remember in In Search of Christian Freedom, he addressed some of his feelings/beliefs of the paths many Ex-JW take after leaving the WT. He disagreed on protesting of course and he talked about people going back to false Christian beliefs. He never directly talked about atheism but attributed many Ex-JW faith in God being destroyed because of too much trust in the WT. I look back on those reads and he comes across as passive in his criticism of the WT and religion in general. He definitely didn't want any followers -
Another Music Artist that was raised a JW....
by whathehadas ini didn't know that this r&b artist from the mid 90's, case, was raised a jw.
one of the host (charlamagne tha god) on this radio show was raised one also.
go to the 18:50 mark where it's brought up.
I didn't know that this R&B artist from the mid 90's, CASE, was raised a JW. One of the host (Charlamagne Tha God) on this radio show was raised one also. Go to the 18:50 mark where it's brought up. He KNOWS the TTAT. He would had said more if that other co-host wouldn't have changed the subject
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Coping With Atheism (Long-ish Post...sorry!)
by humblepotato inlong time lurker (2009-ish), first time poster.
first of all, i want to say thank you everyone who contributes to these boards and provokes stimulating conversations and thought processes.
all the opinions and different perspectives are very enlightening.
@humblepotato there are quite a lot of videos of YouTube with Atheist vs Christian debates. There are even some vs JW. Check out Ted the Athiest. He's very patient and ask thoughtful questions.
Convention Cartoon
by freemindfade inso last night they played the convention cartoon.
there were a few laughs from the audience, overall though people seemed a little taken aback and tight lipped.
like no one gushed about it afterwards, no applause, just like it was nothing new at all.
@Tempest In a Teacup I can tell by the facial features. It's not hard to distinguish
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Convention Cartoon
by freemindfade inso last night they played the convention cartoon.
there were a few laughs from the audience, overall though people seemed a little taken aback and tight lipped.
like no one gushed about it afterwards, no applause, just like it was nothing new at all.
One thing I noticed. There was NO person of color depicted in that cartoon. Yeah they definitely act like it's the 50's. They are still prejudice
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