Thanks everyone for the advise. I know deep down that the right thing to do is to let things go, and I've decided to do that, not because I'm noble, because I'm not, I'm confrontational by nature. I've decided not to discuss things related to the WTS again because members of my family that are still in are completey oblivious to most of the issues and controversies that I bring up, and so they honestly believe I'm making it up. Even by witness standards they really do not know their stuff.
For example, this whole thing came to a boil about a week ago at my In-laws home. My wife's sister was going on and on about how wonderful this year's District Convention was. She said it was so great that she actually attended it twice, just so she can really soak things in.(Exact phrase used)
So I asked her what she thought about the new teaching on generations. Her reply? "What new generation teaching?" Now I did not attend this year's DC, however, from what I've read here, this topic was discussed there. So I said,"you didn't hear the talk discussing the generations?" She said that yes she had heard it but nothing has changed, and it's the same as when they changed it in 95. In a very spirited fashion, I pointed out a few differences between the 95 teaching and the one that was revealed this year.
The conversations sort went south from there. I brought up the year 1975, and again, my sis in law was adamant that the society never put that year in print, that it was the rank and file that were over eager for the end.
Just a couple of examples, but I realize now that it really is futile, as many of you have suggested here, and I agree that it might be having the opposite effect. In the end, there is only one thing that I should be concerned about, which was very eliquently pointed out by notverylikely when he said,
I dunno, how cool are you with not getting laid?
nuff said!!!!