Seeing clearly both sides of the coin with these written sentiments, I admit its a love hate relationship I have with the USA. In many ways, I despair too of British policy decisions, many of which are just as damaging on the global front, yet still, to have enough wisdom, often learn't through painful lessons, teaches me that people probaly are the same just about wherever you go, and its important, nay, paramount, to still consider individuals rather than lumping everyone together under the same collective banner. Perhaps it is jealousy on my part, jealousy of American policies, their attitudes and their way of life that gets my goat and the often, more absurd British way of approaching these same said problems.
I therefore wholeheartedly apologise for my previous held opinion, which is now being adjusted to represent a clearer picture on my part, sorry for any offense howsoever caused.
Thankyou for posting these articles Englishman.