My boyfriend introduced me to a couple that he has been close to off and on for several years. I immediately loved the wife, who is cool, outgoing and fun. We just clicked. Shortly after I met them, my BF tells me that the couple is having marriage problems. She has a Facebook accoutnt which is a very sore subject. It is how her and I communicate oftentimes. Supposedly she is texting other men, and chatting online via Facebook. My BF, who has been the victim of being cheated on thinks that Facebook is for cheaters. At first I dumped my account in lieu of his feelings about it. Then I discovered that I am nothing like his ex wife. I reopened it. Some people use networking paged to cheat, I use mine to connect to my friends. He has seen my page, and has my password. Still, he is concerned.
My point is, and I pointed this out to my BF, that if our friend is looking to cheat, she's going to do it. She doesn't need a social networking page or a cellphone. It will be the PTA, her job, or even at her church. She will find what she is looking for. If removing the page would overcome her marital problems, then by all means, do it, to restore trust and faith. But I think their problems are deeper than just the internet or a cellphone.
Just so you know, I did start to back off from my friendship with her. He gets really mad when I say that I have talked to her. I wish he wouldn't have introduced them to me. But I do begrudge the inuendo that Facebook people are cheaters. Your thoughts?