0 while in but since i left i've taken 26 out!
JoinedPosts by highdose
How many people did you bring into the borg?
by jam indo not count family members.
how long did it.
take to bring in each sheep, are they still in?.
JW show off dinners
by highdose indid anyone else have the experiance while in the borg of the uber elderette throwing a dinner party?.
i had one in my congo that humiliated every other woman by her aura of "i'm sooo perfect and your not!
" her dinner parties were legendry and rivaled only by buckingham place.
i did a couple of times, thing is without her approval people were too scared to do anything.
JW show off dinners
by highdose indid anyone else have the experiance while in the borg of the uber elderette throwing a dinner party?.
i had one in my congo that humiliated every other woman by her aura of "i'm sooo perfect and your not!
" her dinner parties were legendry and rivaled only by buckingham place.
did anyone else have the experiance while in the borg of the uber elderette throwing a dinner party?
I had one in my congo that humiliated every other woman by her aura of "i'm sooo perfect and your not!" Her dinner parties were legendry and rivaled only by buckingham place. the woman had crystal chandilers and even made her own after dinner chocolate mints! No gaudy after eights for her(!)
Every other woman in the cong felt so intimatdated by this elderette that there was no entertaining that happened. They all said " i could never do what she does!"
It should be pointed out that this elderette had two live in house helps and the hardest thing she had to do for the house keeping was arrange her own flowers.
Some in later years tried to have the uber elderette around for dinner, they squirmed with miss placed embarrasment afterwards as they recalled how kindly condesending she had been to them. All most with the attitude of " you poor lowly shit, i'm going to pretend i like this! but really now we both know your shit compared to me!" All of them declared that they would never again attempt to throw a party, they were just so unworthy!
i can personaly attest to having had her in my home and no matter what i did to get the party started her air of " im above all this and you are so shit but i'm such a wonderful person i'm going to tolerate it" basicaly killed the whole evening. Everyone was too scared to do anything that the elderette didn't seem to approve of.
I've mentioned this elderette before as the elderette who farted chanel no 5, and had a family who expected goods and services from the other cult members for free. And if they didn't get it for free then all help and spirtual guidence were withdrawn.
just seen the matrix for the first time
by highdose inare we sure that its not really about jw's?
the writers aren't former cult members?.
i find the sci fi bits a little hard to understand, would appreciate some enlightening before i move on to numbers 2 and 3 please?.
ok i don't get why at the end neo is suddenly inmmune to the bulletts of the agents and why they take him to see the orelca at all?
just seen the matrix for the first time
by highdose inare we sure that its not really about jw's?
the writers aren't former cult members?.
i find the sci fi bits a little hard to understand, would appreciate some enlightening before i move on to numbers 2 and 3 please?.
are we sure that its not really about JW's? The writers aren't former cult members?
i find the sci fi bits a little hard to understand, would appreciate some enlightening before i move on to numbers 2 and 3 please?
JW Children in Meetings
by blue_summmer20 inhi my first post.. for the people that grew up in the religon, do you have any memory of being spanked for not sitting still in the meeting?
i see kids acting like kids but the parents take them out and spank them for something like not sitting still.
some of my worst memories are my father taking me out for a beating with a belt or his hand.
my points on this thread would be:
I can remember all the "freinds" in the cong universally finding it so funny when a child was dragged outside to be beaten, "awww!" they could wisper "he dosn't want a spanking... well they got to learn to sit still!"
I can remember my own mother somtimes almost being in competion with the other mums in the cong. If they had smacked their child more than she had smacked me then somtimes i would get a smack for no reason at all! straight out of the blue, and i had been sitting there as good as gold.
I also remember the universal "second smacks" which where punishment for crying about the pain of the first. all the parents in the hall practiced this routine.
Befreinding the freindless and then dumping them
by highdose inunashamedly borrowed from a post from morbizbaby on another thread because i thought it was a point that deserved greater disscuion.. in the 20+ years i was in my home cong the only people who got converted from a knock on the door to a dunk in the baptisum pool were the "freindless" those people who were loners, odd bods, misfits in the comunity.
the ones who were on some kind of social service register.
who aged 50 still lived with their parents, never went out and had only imaginary freinds.. don't get me wrong these are people who often do get missed off the radar by the community and who could do with help and freinds.... and they would get freinds from the jw's.
Unashamedly borrowed from a post from morbizbaby on another thread because i thought it was a point that deserved greater disscuion.
In the 20+ years i was in my home cong the only people who got converted from a knock on the door to a dunk in the baptisum pool were the "freindless" Those people who were loners, odd bods, misfits in the comunity. The ones who were on some kind of social service register. Who aged 50 still lived with their parents, never went out and had only imaginary freinds.
Don't get me wrong these are people who often do get missed off the radar by the community and who could do with help and freinds...
And they would get freinds from the JW's. I've seen JW's put up with any kind of embarrasing body odour, werid clothes, strange behaviour and habits and or lack of social skills just so that they can make another convert.... but then!
Poor person they don't know whats coming next. All these lovely new freinds that they thought were so genuine and helpfull suddenly dissapear as soon as they've done the one thing the JW's wanted them to do... get baptised.
Then job done the JW's don't have to be bothered with the embarrsing misfit anymore. Don't have to have their "cool" satus undermined by some werido. Their work is done!
Soon the sniggers behind their backs start being heard. Then they are cast outside the jw social circle. The hall becomes a lonely place as only a few will bother to talk to them.
Now this would be hurtful enough for a normal well adjusted person. But for these fragile ones the contrast is shocking! Very soon they leave, a worse misfit than when they arrived. But now fully conviced that they cannot hande the real world.
But what does it matter to the JW's? They served their purpose, got their hours in , and another unit ticked on the world feild service report. Who cares about the individual?!!
Did Jesus sacrifice really mean anything?
by highdose insuspending for a minute the realisation that it never happened and instead looking at it as a beliver would.... jesus had to endure a painful death, yes.
but he knew that he would only be dead for three days and that afterwards he would get reserected and be able to mind f**k around with those who had put him to death.
and then he would live for ever in a brand new body!
N.Drew you are the one who said that he suffered because his sacrifice wouldn't cause people to listen a learn from it!....
i am the one saying thats not correct!
Did Jesus sacrifice really mean anything?
by highdose insuspending for a minute the realisation that it never happened and instead looking at it as a beliver would.... jesus had to endure a painful death, yes.
but he knew that he would only be dead for three days and that afterwards he would get reserected and be able to mind f**k around with those who had put him to death.
and then he would live for ever in a brand new body!
Diana: good point! Theres also the moot point JW doctrine which on the one hand says that jesus died for all our sins and that this was because of undeserved kindness.... but then says that we need to prove ourselves in order to be included in that sacrifices blessings. So where really is the undeserved kindness in that??
Did Jesus sacrifice really mean anything?
by highdose insuspending for a minute the realisation that it never happened and instead looking at it as a beliver would.... jesus had to endure a painful death, yes.
but he knew that he would only be dead for three days and that afterwards he would get reserected and be able to mind f**k around with those who had put him to death.
and then he would live for ever in a brand new body!
if indeed the suffering was down to the supposed knowledge that people were not going to be benifited by the sacrifice. Because of not learning the lessons from it. ( an arugement drowned out by the huge number of Christain worshippers in the world today and in the past)
Then... surely what was the point??? Sacrificing himself for a people who would never take any lesson from it at all? Who would therefore never benefit from it. That makes the situation even worse. It means that now not only was the sacrifice not worth much but also it was pointless and benefited hardly anyone.
Sorry but your arguement does not hold water...