Suspending for a minute the realisation that it never happened and instead looking at it as a beliver would...
Jesus had to endure a painful death, yes. But he knew that he would only be dead for three days and that afterwards he would get reserected and be able to mind F**k around with those who had put him to death. and then he would live for ever in a brand new body! That dosn't seem much like a trial to me? It never has. I often thought, "well if i had that certain hope to hold on to then i could probably accept such torcure."
And people do and have. Throughout history with out the hope of being raised three days later! And quite frankly followers of religon have suffered far more and for greater lengths of time in defense of their faith than Jesus did.
In face looking at it from those two angles then Jesus "sacrifice" wasn't very much at all??
And of course there was the added bonus that after he had done this he would then be worshipped and adored by a ton of humans for 100's of years!
anyone else thought about this?