The past several kingdom halls I've beein in (in the US) were all decorated the same way. One wallpaper below the wainscoting. A clashing wallpaper above the wainscoting. A clashing color carpet. A completely different clashing coat of paint in the stage area. And of course, the chairs match none of it. It always bothered me that the KHs were SOOO ugly. Who was in charge of picking out that decorating scheme? It must have been someone high up because it's being copied in new and renovated halls throughout the country. It's funny how you're not able to complain about it until after you don't care anymore. I googled KHs and found an example of what I'm talking about on the walls:
JoinedPosts by bluecanary
Is it me or are kingdome halls butt ugly?
by bluecanary inthe past several kingdom halls i've beein in (in the us) were all decorated the same way.
one wallpaper below the wainscoting.
a clashing wallpaper above the wainscoting.
On my way out of the "organization" and feeling very lost...
by 2pink infirstly, thank god i found this forum!
i've spent the better part of today while my kids were in school reading many threads.. some background...i am in my mid 30s, married, 2 kids.
i was born and raised a jw...came from "good" stock...elders, pioneers, etc.
Welcome to the forum 2pink. We're very happy to have you here.
My two-cents: It's ok to NOT have a particular set of religious beliefs right now. The "where will we go?" concept is a JW scare tactic. You don't have to go anywhere. Wherever you go, there you are. You are here.
And, spiritually speaking, here is a pretty good place to be. We are fond of a saying on this board: I'd rather have questions I can't answer than answers I can't question. So enjoy asking questions. Research many types of religion and spirituality without feeling like you have to believe what they teach. If you find one that harmonizes with your life, go with it. I recommend keeping a journal.
I'm no authority on family relations on leaving the JWs. I'm sure others here will be able to offer words of advice. You will need to replace your support system so definitely find ways to get to know new people. A church is a great option. You might see if there's a Universalist Unitarian church in your area. Another good option is volunteer work. Go to for opportunities in your area. As your kids make deeper friendships at school you might also become friends with some of their parents.
It's great that your husband will at least listen to you. I recommend not saying things in such a way that puts him on the defensive. For instance, rather than say flat out what the JWs got wrong, you could phrase it more like "I was doing some Bible study and found it interesting that the scriptures say . . ." and state your claim. In other words, make positive statements rather than negative ones.
I have a Holman Christian Standard Bible that I find pretty readable. The New International Version is probably the most popular one. There are websites that compare the accuracy and readability of different translations if you want to google that.
Same advice I recently gave to another poster in your shoes: when it comes to holidays, if you want to have a big, happy celebration, then do it. Act like it's completely normal. Because it is. If anyone should be uncomfortable, it's the person who thinks there's something wrong with it. Your husband will be uncomfortable. But that's ok. Life pushes us out of our comfort zones, compelling us to grow and become better people.
BTW, I think that you'll find that most Christians will be understanding of your situation. They will be happy to welcome you and not treat you like the idiot you feel. When I went to my local UU church I was recognized as new at the door, welcomed and given a program. During the . . . ceremony I guess you call it, the reverend invited everyone who was new to stand up and introduce ourselves. There were quite a few of us who did so. We were also asked to spend a few minutes during the ceremony to speak to the people sitting near us. They absolutely went out of their way to make sure that everyone felt welcome and had the chance to make a friend. Other religions are generally more welcoming than the JWs.
Again welcome. I look forward to seeing more of your posts.
reasons for the new song book, according to a dub
by highdose injust asked a loyal dub i know why has the org now given out a song book, with so many songs taken out?
she looked at her convention notes and replied that the soceity said that some of the songs in the old song book were too difficult for new people to learn to sing.. and this was said with all seriousness... she totaly brought it!.
Interesting statistics, Password. Thanks for posting that.
When I visited New Orleans with friends, being the good little Dubs we were, we went to a bookstudy. One elderly man commented four times. Each time the conductor very bruskly told him his answer was wrong. His answers weren't wrong (in a JW way) they were just fine. The conductor was fine with everyone else. He obviously had it out for this brother. My friends and I were thinking WTF?
Whats the trick
by Heartbreaker inis there something special to be done when trying to read mail?
never fails, i try to read it about 20 times and it's always error and a lot of code...then finally i get it to work and i have no idea if i did something special, or hit the right combo of buttons.
back arrow, refresh, f5, back arrow, log out, log in, open the mailbox, open the message, open the mailbox, f5, jump up, jump down, sneeze, wiggle.
Lol, dinah.
Try some percussive maintenance.
What do you think....can they???
by Heartbreaker incan the elders disfellowship a person for using their own literature and scriptures in a way that makes them look bad to discipline a person?
i am getting ready to send an email to my torn and tortured sister who is df'd regarding the practice of it, how the wtbts adopted it, and scriptural reasoning that show its a harmful practice at best.
she is still convinced that she should try to be reinstated, and i am partially afraid she could print it and show it to the brothers.
sunrising, a most emphatic welcome to the board! I like the way you think. Heck, I like the fact that you think.
Blood and the Hospital Liaison Committee
by BathroomServant1 inbefore i ask the question i have, i'll present some background information.. my story: when i was 16, i was hospitalized with bone marrow cancer for an extended period of time.
of course, the blood issue came up as doctors noticed that i may quickly need one.
at the time being fully "in", i refused one, but being a minor the doctors pushed the issue to the court system.
Moshe, your response should have been, "If a doctor told you to abstain from meat, would that mean you shouldn't have a liver transplant?"
November 15 Watchtower (Study Edition) - discourages showing affection to your spouse
by CrazyBlonde inanother gem from the same edition - article to be studied december 28 - january 3 (which most will miss lol coz of summer vacation) entitled "what do your prayers say about you?
" page 6 para 19 reads:.
19 when we are being represented in public prayer, we need to display reverential "fear of god.
Let's Welcome LifeIsTooShort to the Board
by snowbird inpost #1 .
my husband insisted that we go to the doors even if they had no trespassing sings.
we have had guns drawn on us and shot up in the air.
LITS is VS77? I like the name change too. I'll say welcome back.
The 4 Sexual Deviants
by Farkel innewer visitors to this board may not be aware of the fact that the first 4 watchtower leaders were all sexual deviants.
i cannot for the life of me figure out how the creator could have personally selected these 4 men as leaders of his only true religion to be examples for all of the faithful.. i especially cannot figure out how the creator would figure these 4 sexual deviants should be used to give sexual marital advice and advice on raising children, since only 1 of the 4 had a kid and he pretty much abandoned that kid for a good part of the kids life.
also, he was the only one who had ever actually had sexual relations although they were mostly adulterous ones.. charles taze russell took "the vow" before his marriage to maria.
Excellent post farkel.