X bluecanary
JoinedPosts by bluecanary
by WuzLovesDubs insign this petition!!
dont let our granma leave us!!!!!
dont go mouthy!!!
i'm out.
by yellow inthought you'd might like to know but i'm officially out.
it feels great all the hurt, guilt, fear and paranoia questioning, doubts, etc etc are finally gone and it tastes and feels good what a relief.
no more pain and sorrow, only jubilation along with a sense of being finally at peace with myself.
Woohoo! Even Jesus can't contain his enthusiasm:
To Angel Eyes & Other WT Apologists
by snowbird init has come to my attention that a much-beloved poster on this forum has been hurt by the insensitivity shown toward her account of how badly she was treated by the wt.. i realize this is a place where are all welcome, and barring any posting guidelines violations, we are free to air our views without fear of any backlash.. however, please keep in mind that most posters here - yours truly being one of them - view the wt in a negative light.
with all the evidence out there pertaining to its deceitfulness, how can anyone view it otherwise?.
i reached out to you, angel eyes, because i sense that you need a friend.
What are you talking about Mouthy? Don't you know JWs are the ones who are persecuted especially by us apostates?
Hm, wait a minute, let's look at the definition of persecute: "to pursue with harassing or oppressive treatment". Looks like it's the JWs who have pursued us on this board to harrass us! And unlike the JWs, you can rest easy because the only reason you've been persecuted is for proclaiming your feelings about Jesus. You win.
The board would be a lot emptier without you.
The funny and the laughable
by Heartbreaker inrelative was reinstated recently .
then....i get a voicemail (from an ignored phone call) from my mother asking to have the youngest three kids this weekend, for "something fun for the kids" and since they can't fit more than 3 in thir car, they want the youngest, and this on the heels of me sending a email to state that i was remembering some damaging things from my childhood (father confirmed pedophile, but until recently it was assumed i was excluded from this) and that i needed some time and some space.
her reply was that i shouldn't let things affect my relationship with jehovah, ruin all the hard work i've done in keeping my kids with jehovah in their heart, and that she did the best she could.
I'm with your husband on this one. Your #1 priority is to protect your kids. I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. Work out your history in whatever way you want; get counseling, talk to your parents or ignore it and deal with it on your own. But whatever way you deal with your pain, make sure your kids are never placed in a vulnerable position. It would be better for them to have no relationship with their grandparents than to be in an abusive relationship with their grandparents.
This may sound harsh, but I think it is sick for any woman to side with her husband over her kids. Selfish beyond belief. She can get a new husband. They can't get new parents. She can get along without a husband. They can't get along without parents. So unless you live in a society where you can be executed for leaving your husband, there is NEVER an excuse for remaining with a man who has abused your children.
Not just information to help people leave, but a community on the internet
by OnTheWayOut ina recent thread asked if ray franz's book was instrumental in people's decision to leave wts.
many left before the book was out, many left on their own without the book, most read it afterward and it was instrumental in their never going back.
a bunch of people got their information about wts from the internet.
I left without any outisde help. But it was nice to find info on the internet afterwards that confirms I was right to leave. And it's wonderful to find a community of people who share the past experience of being in the WTS cult--and a wide variety of present religious and non-religious beliefs.
To Angel Eyes & Other WT Apologists
by snowbird init has come to my attention that a much-beloved poster on this forum has been hurt by the insensitivity shown toward her account of how badly she was treated by the wt.. i realize this is a place where are all welcome, and barring any posting guidelines violations, we are free to air our views without fear of any backlash.. however, please keep in mind that most posters here - yours truly being one of them - view the wt in a negative light.
with all the evidence out there pertaining to its deceitfulness, how can anyone view it otherwise?.
i reached out to you, angel eyes, because i sense that you need a friend.
Thanks for trying to provide balance Sylvia.
Funny English
by goldensky inalthough we live in spain, i've always spoken exclusively english to my two children since there were born (a 10-year-old boy and an 8-year old girl).
since i am their only "source" of english, their level leaves a lot to be desired, although they can have conversations with english speakers without any trouble.
also the fact that many words have exactly the same pronunciation but a different spelling and meaning doesn't help much.. when my son was 3 or 4 i told him that hitler didn't like jews at all.
Reminds me of the brother who invited the group to his home for Saturday morning servesa.
JWs--A Religion No One Really Cares About
by minimus init's funny that when you seperate yourself from the cult, you see very few people care about the witnesses.
as jws we were always told how the governments were going to turn on religion and then try to obliterate us and how jehovah would step in, in the nick of time, and save all of his people.
how delusional!.
Welcome, watersedge
*Everyone Please Enter, I'm New Here*
by tryingtoexit ini've been lurking in the shadows of this forum for about 6 months or so.
i'll try to be brief here, but i apologize in advance if this is not "brief enough" for you.
anyways i'm a 27 year old african american young man, i was born and raised a jehovah's witness.
Welcome tryingtoexit! I haven't read all the other posts here so I may be reiterating something that's already been said. Let's assume the witnesses are wrong about armageddon. What will happen to you when you die? (a) there's a kind God that will recognize the quality of your heart and let you into heaven; (b) there's a petty God who only allows specific types of people into heaven and you have no hope of meeting his exact requirements or (c) there is no God and you either reincarnate or simply cease to exist.
Now let's examine what would happen if the witnesses are right and their God brings about armageddon. (a) you are killed and simply cease to exist or (b) you live up to JW criteria but then must spend an eternity living up to the exacting requirements of a petty God.
In other words, the only bad possibility is if there is a petty, tyranical God which is who the witnesses serve. If you want to spend an eternity like this, you're welcome to torment yourself by living the JW lifestyle. But there's no reason to fear armageddon. What's so scary about "falling asleep in death?"
praying parrots
by John Doe ina lady goes to her priest one day and tells him, "father, i have a problem.
i have 2 female parrots, but they only know how to say one thing.".
" the priest inquired.. they say, "hi, we're hookers!
Good one.