One of Jim's buddies was 'preaching' there version of the Gospel at the Beach in Laguna Ca.. Explaining how they should accept Jesus or Else burn in Hell for all eternity.
Could you pass the Sun Bloc 3000 please!
6 videospt.1 of 6 (#2 bible jim dismantles jehovah witnesses)6 videos(watch and learn as bible jim dismantles the false belief system of jehovah witnesses)play allshare
One of Jim's buddies was 'preaching' there version of the Gospel at the Beach in Laguna Ca.. Explaining how they should accept Jesus or Else burn in Hell for all eternity.
Could you pass the Sun Bloc 3000 please!
6 videospt.1 of 6 (#2 bible jim dismantles jehovah witnesses)6 videos(watch and learn as bible jim dismantles the false belief system of jehovah witnesses)play allshare
Just think- you are an Adult and you look in the mirror in the morning and admit to yourself 'I actually let myself believe in Hell'.
are you really thinking for yourself when you quote scriptures all the time as your personal answer?.
i bring this up for two reasons: first and foremost, it became almost a game in jw land, a competition to see who had the better (wt approved) passage when something came up.. almost always of course, if it was "of this world", well, we know the nwt in particular is full of how bad "the world" is.
can't be part of "this world") its bad!.
Yes folks, you to can believe in the Roastadora God.
Somebody needs to read a little of the essays of the Open Theists, it kind of turns the A/C on Hell.
no, it's not the "claw hand"!
what disturbs me most of all is the potter's shards.. any coin collector will tell you that the "imperfect" coins are the most valuable.
any art historian will tell you that the value of a painting is it's originality and uniqueness and the talent that can only come with time, suffering, and perserverence.. it is the oddities and quirks in one of a kind pieces that make them a delight and a treasure.. so why is it that this potter has no appreciation for uniqueness?
Fundamentalists's and Baptist's posting their theological beliefs is the best cure for anyone venerable enough to be coaxed into their web.
Good ol Saint John Calvin sure did a number. A God who predestines all to heaven or Hell. Its not enough for them to conceptualize people dying their God has to torture them in the afterlife, swell.
Keep posting Fundi's. Its the best protection from getting involved in your Cult.
7 v13.... broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it.. whereas narrow is the gate leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.
( this is limited ).
Muslims believe in Hell as well, interesting. Stalin and his extermination campaign, that was one crazy ass killer.
Get out of Fundamentalism.
i thought i read here that the gb as a group is saying that individually they are modern day apostles.. can someone please confirm and give references.. thank you in advance.. .
yesidid .
The GB follow the same dictum used by the College of Cardinals of the RCC- extra ecclesium nulla salus
personally, i love music.
i typically will see r&b/dance bands on a weekend.
i'm not a homebody.
Sunday July 5th, Surfrider International Clean Oceans and Beach day. Last year several 100,000's showed up to help, then we go Surfing.
yes we saved and loaned and skrimped to build our own hall as we share with 6 other congs amd our area keeps growing bigger.
we even picked out the land....nice, perfect for a hall.
we had 147,000 so....then the advice comes from "above" that bethel advised us not to build since the bookstudy is cancelled our hall can take one more cong????
You won't get your money back, I've tried. Most Churches don't give the money back, its a one way street, except where a Church has a charitable wing and gives aid and assistence to people.
i thought i read here that the gb as a group is saying that individually they are modern day apostles.. can someone please confirm and give references.. thank you in advance.. .
yesidid .
The Church of Rome believes in Apostalic Succession and even the Eastern Orthodox draw historical links. Witnesses Ecclesiology tries to make a similar connection through their 1919 doctrine and self appointment.
7 v13.... broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it.. whereas narrow is the gate leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.
( this is limited ).
How did the Trinitarian world stay such as violent world century after century. Killing each other by the 100's of millions and hunting down non trinitarians and butchering them as well.
Hell. The belief in which lies at the core of their twisted religious system and psychology. Throwing mud on the good name of Jesus.
Get out of Fundamentalism.