OH, here is her response...I have a half a mind to start send ex-jw stories to her every day. I have nothing to lose, right? But you are right Tuesday, she'll just not read them. So what should I do with this? Grrrrr........
Her Response:
"You act like we don't know our bibles and just read the WT and believe everything we hear. Wrong. We do challenge..and get answers. And the organization is not men's, it is Jehovah's...He calls it his "woman" and refers to it and its service to him all throughout the bible. The first chapter of the bible, the prophecy about the woman, and her seed...that "woman" is God's organization and it is also the same "woman" in Revelation. Also called "the faithful and discreet slave, who gives food at the proper time" is also that woman". She is the "bride" of Christ who comes to the marriage feast with oil in her lamp. The "food" is the spiritual table the slave class provides at meetings and literature. The10 virgins in the marriage feast illustration all go out to meet the groom, but 5 are foolish and five are discreet. The discreet bring enough "oil" (or accurate knowlege) so they are able to recognize the groom, seeing him clearly by the light of their lamps. The foolish realize they didn't ,and ask for some, but are not given any. It is too late. These " v irgins" are Jehovah's "woman" collectively...God's organization which is growing so fast we baptize 8,000 new bible studies each DAY. Over 100 new congregations a month. We LOVE our leaders, they treat us tenderly. We want to be corrected...that's called "washing our garments white'....we don't want bad associations in our midst. We don't want to live in the new world with people who do whatever they want and ruin it all over again. The organization is worldwide,in every land and nation. Our unity is unique in all the earth. And we are a happy people...there is no fear. " Perfect love throws fear outside" The fear we have is that we will hurt and displease Jehovah so we work hard to know what he thinks, and feels, and accepts and what he does not. You are so very much mistaken about fear of WT. We dearly love Jehovah's Organization. He is a God of order..."all things take place decently and by arrangement" - It is "food for us to listen and do his will. We thrive on it....free of manmade traditions and dishonoring holidays. We do our own research as to whether these things are true.: