" as it is written, Gods name is Blasphemed among the Gentile sbecause of you".
What? even the gentiles knew Gods name???
Well, so much for secrets...
how can jw's confess belief in jesus christ when they do not believe in his own words when he speaks of heaven???
jesus compared heaven in many parables, yet the jw's claim that the "new earth" is where they are going.
also, the belief that jesus was here in 1914(?
" as it is written, Gods name is Blasphemed among the Gentile sbecause of you".
What? even the gentiles knew Gods name???
Well, so much for secrets...
i posted this a before under an other topis, but i think it's a good question for a new topic!.
one of the things i never understout as a young kid was this:.
the question i had as a kid was: if god is almighty than he would of known that adam and eve and....satan... and demons....would sin before he even created anything.. my father who was an elder back then could never give me a good answer.... my dad would say something like because it's was necessary for god to show us and the angels, we can only have a good live if we live it like god wants .
God gave us free will, in the case of Adam and Eve, he gave them one little tiny rule, they broke it.
Did God know they were going to?
Ah yes, the question on ominsience (SP?), the question of all knowing, does God know all?
Yes, he does, he knows that if we make choice A, it will lead to B and if we make choice C it will lead to D, he "doesn't know" which choice we will make because he has given us free will to make those choices, though he knows the results of all the choices we make.
As for Satan, we all have our roles to play.
following on from a post of sacolton's on a recent thread.
i hope he doesn't mind me cutting and pasting it as i want to examine it.. was jesus our god?
consider these two scriptures:.
In regards to "making Your name known".
Jesus's disciples were all Jewish, they already knew God's name, or at least the letters that signified his name.
When Jesus taught people t pray he said "Our father", when he prayed he said Father and even "Abba, Father".
Since most jews already knew God's name, and when he prayed he used Father, what doe sit mean that Jesus made God's name know to them?
Perhaps he referes to the SIGNIFICANCE of His Name, perhaps he refers to what His Name stands for ( Like in modern times we would sa "in the name of the law"), perhaps he means that, since He is the embodiment of God and all his qualites, including the significance of God's name, that by making His will know, God's name and what it means for all of us (Salvation), is making his Name know.
re: The name of the God being removed from the NT.
One has doubts that God and Jesus would allow such a slight considering he just "made His Name known".
a thowoff from ren's thread obviously.. i am firmly convinced that what is called christianity today - is actually just pauline theology.. if you removed all the portions of the nt that are attributed to paul, and actually accepted as primary the words of jesus and his direct followers - the worldwide movement would look far different doctrinally.
and as far as the fundy's go - they would be lost without the deep judgmentalism and rules oriented thinking of this writer [whomever he really was].. if ren's thread could go 15 pages and counting - why not this one?.
In regards to Pauls' teachings, we must be critical of what ANYONE preaches in reagards to what seems to be contray to the written word of God, and we must also take into account that, while the Holy Spirit guides US in terms of faith and God, he may not in terms of "misc." issues such as those that Paul mentions.
I doubt that the HS cared if Women braided their hair or didn't cover their heads, Paul, outside the issues of faith, had very jewish ideas in regards to certain things that have ZERO to do with Faith.
a thowoff from ren's thread obviously.. i am firmly convinced that what is called christianity today - is actually just pauline theology.. if you removed all the portions of the nt that are attributed to paul, and actually accepted as primary the words of jesus and his direct followers - the worldwide movement would look far different doctrinally.
and as far as the fundy's go - they would be lost without the deep judgmentalism and rules oriented thinking of this writer [whomever he really was].. if ren's thread could go 15 pages and counting - why not this one?.
I think that it is very easy for someone to get confused in regards to the bible and that makes it easier for some to "impose" their interpretation of the bible on others.
I think that we must understand that, if we choose to follow a certain interpretation of the bible, a certian viewpoint, certain doctrines and such, that we must be aware that we are doing jsut that, follwoing our chosen interpretation of scripture.
As such we can't condem other for different views.
History has shown that, all religious organization have/had views that have either changed or been clung on to which ate tenious at best.
following on from a post of sacolton's on a recent thread.
i hope he doesn't mind me cutting and pasting it as i want to examine it.. was jesus our god?
consider these two scriptures:.
Its not about ignoring what a passage means or how it was applied in the OT, its about what it means and how it is applied in the NT, under the NEW Covenant where Jesus is the central figure, the saviour, the reedemer and Judge.
following on from a post of sacolton's on a recent thread.
i hope he doesn't mind me cutting and pasting it as i want to examine it.. was jesus our god?
consider these two scriptures:.
Its another prime example of taking an OLD Convenant passage and applying it to the NEW Covenant and not taking into account the role of Jesus in the New Convenant.
I don't understand why anyone whoudl have issues in the worship of Jesus, afterall, Jesus embodies ALL the qualities of God, is ONE with God and God has given Jesus all the power and authority in Heaven and Earth.
i have read before that the wts is against the martial arts....i do not have a wts cd, so was wondering if there is any wts literature to support this?.
As someone that has been doing MA for 30 years I can say this:
Religion has no place in the MA.
AT best one can be exposed to eastern philosophy but the place of eastern religion is something that was added on later on in the development of the MA to mnake it more appealing to the "scholarly" type.
MA has always been, at their core, about fighting, regardless of what one chooses to do with their training.
While some morals and ethics should be passed along, things like social responsibility and legalities, religious views are NOT part of MA for NO MA instructor is qualified to give them, ro at least very FEW are.
a thowoff from ren's thread obviously.. i am firmly convinced that what is called christianity today - is actually just pauline theology.. if you removed all the portions of the nt that are attributed to paul, and actually accepted as primary the words of jesus and his direct followers - the worldwide movement would look far different doctrinally.
and as far as the fundy's go - they would be lost without the deep judgmentalism and rules oriented thinking of this writer [whomever he really was].. if ren's thread could go 15 pages and counting - why not this one?.
RE" "tweaking" the bible.
If one believes that the name of God can be "tweaked" out of Holy Sripture, who is to say that other things haven't been "tweaked" out?