Although this experience didn't happen to me I watched unfold. I grew up in a rural area and some stage they started sending us people from bethel (I don’t Know maybe we went getting up enough hours) so this young guy turns up Maybe 30'S and he'd never been to a rural area in his life so we all head out in service and get to one particular farm the Bro gets out starts walking down the driveway when he attracts the attention of the resident RAM the ram puts his head down to charge the Bro he and his partner start running rams are also extremely fast. (For those of you who don't know a Ram is a male sheep and they tend to be aggressive and territorial) I have never seen anyone run that fast it was too funny. So both Brothers run for the fence and jump it about a split second before the Ram hits the fence. Still the best day of witnessing I ever had!
Posts by LucyA
Your worst field service experience.
by littlebird inmy worst field service experience was this.. i didn't have a car at the time and so a pioneer sister was picking me up of service every couple of days.
she was my partner and i got a door where the woman was clearly not interested.
as i am stepping away the pioneer sister starts in with all the objection stoppers.
Elders Contempt for the Old & Disabled
by LittleSister inas they get older many loyal jws find it hard to get to the meetings due to poor health and disability , my mother falls into this category.
there are also others who are disabled or unable to physically be at meetings from time to time.
for many years our congregation taped the meetings and distributed these tapes so all could enjoy the spiritual food of the meetings.
In my mothers cong the local elders made the decision to have two Tuesday meetings one in the morning at ten AM and then one at the normal time. The elders (most of whom are retired too) pick up those who can't make it themselves. The funny thing is I went and visited my Parents a few months ago she forgot some book she needed as I walked into the late meeting there were only about 10 people their in a hall that can seat 100 that looks really sad!
A Rhyme to all the Great Posters on JWN
by cantleave inpoetry isn't really my thing but i hope you can all relate!.
oppressive, repressive, a burden, a guilt,.
a childhood of dreams a new world to be built,.
well said cantleave!
Conan sketch with giant Watchtower
by JimmyPage induring conan o'brien's finale he showed a quick string of clips from the past year on his show.
one of them looked like two jws on stilts holding a gigantic watchtower.
i never saw this sketch the first time it aired and i haven't been able to find it on youtube.
Really funny! they would have stuck around longer to argue!
I found a religion WORSE them jw's
by LucyA inso i was doing so research on the legal ramifications of withholding medical care from children and found one religion worse the jw so here they are.... doctors speak on christian science testimonials.
child is adding a feature to our web page of essays by pediatricians.
they will comment upon healings of children purportedly achieved by christian science spiritual treatment.
So I was doing so research on the legal ramifications of withholding medical care from children and found one religion Worse the JW so here they are...
CHILD is adding a feature to our web page of essays by pediatricians. They will comment upon healings of children purportedly achieved by Christian Science spiritual treatment.
Christian Science theology holds that one healing proves that Christian Science is a scientific system for healing all diseases. The church's healing claims encourage parents to take foolish risks with their children's lives. Furthermore, the church claims that legislators give Christian Scientists religious exemptions to child neglect laws because of these healings.
Our second contributor in this series is Dr. Seth Asser, a pediatrician in Providence, Rhode Island.
WHY CHRISTIAN SCIENCE TESTIMONIALS LACK SCIENTIFIC VALUEDr. Seth AsserThe Christian Science church frequently claims a record of healing more than fifty thousand cases of disease by prayer. Cases with any degree of medical documentation are rare, and with clear medical confirmation are apparently non-existent. Such is illustrated by the case of Holly Zynda.
Holly's story was presented on an episode of the Arts & Entertainment network's Investigative Reports with Bill Kurtis (December 17) entitled "Healing and Prayer: Power or Placebo?" In 1985, 20-month-old Holly was bruising easily. Her mother, Debra, was raised in the Christian Science church and did not want to take Holly to a doctor. However, a neighbor, Kim Brown, identified as a nurse practitioner, recommended that Holly have medical care. The father, Tom Zynda, who was not then a Christian Science member, convinced his wife to take Holly to a pediatrician. The diagnosis of ITP, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, was made based upon a very low platelet count.
ITP is a disorder of young children that leads to easy bruisability and, less commonly, bleeding. This is due to a decrease in the platelets circulating in the blood. Platelets are small cell fragments that are an essential component of clotting. In ITP, an autoimmune reaction often following a typical childhood viral infection, the body's own antibodies attach to platelets and decrease their numbers. The platelets that remain are able to function, but their number is insufficient for normal clotting to occur.
The disease is generally mild. Most children do not need any treatment other than increased vigilance to reduce rough play, contact sports, and accidents. Those with severe bleeding symptoms and extremely low platelet counts may transiently benefit from treatment with steroids or intravenous immunoglobulin. Rarely, a splenectomy may be required if ITP becomes chronic.
Implication: fatal disease
Kurtis and Brown, however, give the impression that ITP is often a fatal disease. Brown tells us solemnly, "Children can die. Children can bleed to death and die."
The disease, Kurtis claims, "has some of the same characteristics as leukemia." He narrates that Holly's doctors considered her condition "critical," monitored her blood count for two months, and put her on prednisone (a steroid). "But," he continues melodramatically, "Holly didn't get better. The medication didn't seem to be helping at all."
Failure of medical care alleged
Feeling he "had nothing to lose," Tom Zynda agreed with his wife to discontinue the medical care and rely exclusively on Christian Science to heal Holly. Echoing typical Christian Science rhetoric, Kurtis says, "Debra was determined to break through her own fear and conquer Holly's disease through her faith."
What is the evidence that Holly's medical treatment was failing? Neighbor Brown says, "She kept getting worse," but no objective evidence is offered to support her impression.
Most children do not respond immediately to steroids. But most important is that the disease is self-limited in well over 95% of cases, remitting on its own within 2 to 6 months.
Nurse claims Christian Science healing
Zynda reports that within 30 days after they discontinued the medication, they noted "a real dramatic change." It's hard for me to understand how something that took 30 days can be called dramatic, but the improvement three months after diagnosis is precisely the expectation that physicians would have for children with ITP.
As evidence to confirm the "miracle," Brown offers her opinion that when patients are taken off anti-inflammatory drugs such as steroids, they get suddenly worse most of the time. But before Brown would have expected improvement, she states to the camera, Holly was running around, and the bruises went away.
Kurtis further inflates the drama of the situation by stating, "Doctors say that ITP can become a chronic, lifelong illness. But 15 years after her battle with the disease, Holly is enjoying the life of a normal, active teenager." He adds, "She's never been to another doctor."
The truth is much less miraculous. By the time Holly was taken off prednisone, it was likely that her platelet count had already begun to improve. And, unlike patients with more severe and chronic autoimmune disorders, a patient with ITP would not likely "get worse" when taken off prednisone. A platelet count would be required to know with certainty when she began to improve.
Disease self-limited in 95% of cases
More important, the overwhelming majority of children with ITP will get better, on their own, with time. Very few go on to the chronic form, when the disruption lasts more than 6 months. For those who do, most do not have serious bleeding as an ongoing problem, and they can remit at any time, most doing so within a few years. Kurtis' implication that severe lifelong problems from ITP are common is incorrect.
His claim that ITP is like leukemia is preposterous. ITP shares the low platelet count and, therefore, easy bruising with leukemia, but the similarity ends there. A simple white-cell count differentiates the two. ITP doesn't have the fevers and malaise that leukemia usually has. ITP is not cancer. ITP usually resolves itself without any medical treatment.
Satan Takes a Trip
by Farkel injehovah ushers satan into his presence.. jehovah: "listen satan, the thousand year reign is just about up, and according to the bible, i've gotta let you go back to earth and tempt the people, so you'd better go down and see what's happening before you get to work.
i wished i had picked another book to endorse besides that bible.
My hypocrite JW family
by BorgHater inrecently my mum told her jw family that she was da'ing herself and why.
as you can imagine, they were not happy and the shunning has begun (not to mention one of her sisters sending her a horrible letter and the other sister spitting vitriol and hatred down the phone at her - very christian).. now, if my mum's family were totally upright, loyal and zealous witnesses the shunning would still be horrible but somehow easier to bear - at least you could respect their consistency.
but the fact is, one of her sisters has covered up and made excuses for years for the immoral and wayward behavoiur of her own children, proudly declaring 'no one (meaning the gb) tells me what to do'.
JW thrive on thier sence of superiority so it was so it will always be. Having said this I'm sorry you and you mother are going though this I know it hurts but it get's better with time I promise.
Song Book changes - the 'real' reason behind them - EYE OPENING
by EndofMysteries init's very interesting comparing things that are removed.
for one, new world order and new world, new order, all being eliminated from everything.
just research nwo, "new world order", etc, to see.
Anyone have a scan so I can take a look?
Which gender is superior?
by John Doe ini think it's obvious that the answer must weigh in favor of the more humble gender.
and what's more humble that posing a question with an obvious answer for the sake of letting the weaker gender feel better about themselves?
therefore, "male" is the obvious answer.
Why does any Gender have to be superior? Each human is individual am I any more superior to anyone else because I'm smart is and an Olympic gold medallist better then me? It’s all relative.
I when back into my jw mindset today
by doublelife ini sneezed at work and one of my customers said "bless you.
" i wrote down a list of goals i want to accomplish and saying "thank you" when someone tells me "bless you" is on the list.
i froze and quickly censored myself and said "excuse me" instead.
I don't say Bless you either it's sound's stupid. Just hand them a tissue.