Posts by JWoods
This Prince fellow is getting more threads than the new "generation" teaching...
by undercover injust sayin, is all....
Inside Brother Prince's World
by frozen one in
here's his converted to jw girlfriend, bria valente:.
i wonder if chaperones are required when they want to be together?.
This may not be very nice, but does anybody else notice that she has a vaguely androgenous look about her?
Come to think of it, does anybody else notice the same thing about Prince?
Is it really so that some people here became Catholic after leaving the Borg?
by gubberningbody inwow.. unbelievable.. .
The Watchtower folk stole the hierarchial structure, but the operation of the Witnesses and the operation of the Catholic Church is completely different.
That is what Ed Dunlap meant by his comment - the hierarchial structure is quite like the RCC.
Favourite TV adverts?
by nicolaou inat the moment this is mine .
The one I absolutely cannot figure out is the Mayflower moving company ad with the 50' tall red-haired puppet lady.
What the heck does a giant puppet have to do with a moving service???
Australian brothers VERY negative comments regarding new "generations" ... some leaving Bethel..will this blow up in the Watchtowers face?
by Witness 007 ina brother i spoke with from bethel to me seemed discouraged and lacking zeal latley...he spoke of leaving which shocked me since he was there for decades...he left to get a full time job!!!
it was his whole reason for living since i've known him!
others have said the new doctrine of "blended generations" of anionted seeing armagedon is "confusing" or "i just don't get it" brother my only close friend is furious and said i qoute..."they seem to be blowing smoke up our ass!
What's the “brother's” name? Can he speak for himself? Of course not? Can you provide his name so I can verify his position? Can't do that either. But it is easy to make stuff up.
Why don't you post YOUR name and congregation, and someone here can go check on your JW creds with your elders?
Is it really so that some people here became Catholic after leaving the Borg?
by gubberningbody inwow.. unbelievable.. .
ALL Crhistian denominations would NOT exist if not for the RCC.
Not to mention the fact that much of what we know as western society and culture would not exist without the RCC as well...
Is it really so that some people here became Catholic after leaving the Borg?
by gubberningbody inwow.. unbelievable.. .
Here is something interesting that Ed Dunlap once said to me:
The witnesses seem to have a unique distaste for the Catholic church, and yet much of the organization is run very much like the catholics.
He thought that many of the Brooklyn higher-ups in the society were plainly jealous of the Catholics.
Prince says the Internet is 'Over'
by Hoping4Change in
Al Gore will be distressed to hear this...
Indeed - but I think Al Gore may have other things on his mind these days, though...
Prince says the Internet is 'Over'
by Hoping4Change in
Ironic that he is saying it primarily over the internet...
their invite to check the bibliography
by booby insince i spent a bit of time looking up this info i shamelessly copied from another thread for a new post here to get thoughts on how goofy their bibliography is.
how many jw's would take the time, if they even take the time to read the brochure, to check out these references in the bibliography.. how fast can a cell reproduce?
on page 11 includes reference 16 to bibliography.. that book can be found here
This is truly laughable.
Just exactly how many witnesses are actually going to go to a public library (for the first time in their lives) and painstakingly look up those references?
Why, that would be wasting valuable time that could be spent going door to door.