sonwbird...why so nasty and ugly?
It is all kind of an insiders joke, Ri - Snowbird hardly ever posts anything political here, except to point out racial imbalance issues. She is also really one of the nicest people here.
So tell me JWoods.... you lean conservative, though not rabid right... do you like Glenn Beck? Do you see him as a good thing for America?
I kind of like him as far as politics. Remember, he was up front in taking down ACORN and Van Jones. I think he has taken himself way too seriously lately on the religious "get back to God" issues. I have to say that having known a few - I feel about the same things toward Mormons as I do toward JWs - that they are at the roots an opressive religious cult. I think that Glenn Beck is getting dangerously close to proving that to everyone. In all - I think Beck is really just an entertainment-media figure; sort of like a modern day new age Will Rogers.