I always wondered if the story about the "home for the elders of old" was not just a cynical cover story (invented later) for there being fixed up a mansion to keep the crazy Judge kind of cooped up out in the west where he could do less harm...
I mean after all - if you actually included them ALL, this would have been pretty tight quarters.
Plenty big enough for the Judge and his secretaries, though -
Sorry, but I think the leadership had pretty much privately dumped this "resurrected men of old" theory and never did they really expect them to be living there. People I knew who were there in the 30s have told me that they sort of looked down on the believers in this as being sort of hillbilly rubes - laughing about how some were looking around for anybody with a beard and wondering if they were Daniel or Jeremiah or such -
In other words, I submit that anybody in the real know was perfectly clear this mansion was a luxury assisted living for the Judge.