One thing you may have to take into consideration for JWs of my generation was the VietNam War. While people a generation past me remember the 1960s as hippie heaven, young witness guys like me were facing the draft.
This war was - face it or not - brought into being by Kennedy & LBJ, and it was Nixon who eventually stopped it. Nixon also saved my butt with the draft lottery. NOBODY my age group trusted the Dem candidate Hubert Humphrey to do anything but slog on as before in VietNam...hence the HUGE anti-war demonstartions that his party conventions drew from the radicals and students.
There is another factor, as well - I know quite a number of people who upon leaving the WTS in the post-1975 thing, and really truly being demonized over apostacy - reached out to the ACLU for help. They were laughed at and told to go play in the street; ACLU too busy hating on Reagan.
Plus, for me at least, there was always the stigma of being kind of a pinko-commie by association with the anti-government, anti-war, and almost collectivized Witnesses. I was ready to move on with college, good job, decent life - the stuff associated with conservative politics.
What frosts me about present day Republican Party, though - is the way they seem to be owned by the evangelicals. This also gives you flashbacks to the witness priesthood.