where do the refinements come from?, and why do you answer thus?

by Spike Tassel 111 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    bluecanary asks [with emphasis mine]:

    In the past when God's chosen leader acted without his blessing, God corrected the individual/group in an obvious and miraculous way. Why does it appear, then, that when the GB is "adjusted" it comes from external sources, such as the 1914 generation dying off, or races integrating nationwide. If God was making the refinements, wouldn't it clearly come from him, rather than be a reaction to circumstances in the world?

    my initial take, personally: Perhaps, it's like in Jonah's day, when Jehovah "repented" from the bad he had planned, choosing to destroy a later, unrepentant lot of Ninevites.

  • PSacramento

    What examples do we have of God correcting people in the past ??

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    The Bible has many of them.

  • PSacramento

    In the NT ?

    I recall Jesus laying the kaibosh on Paul, but other than that...

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    The angry OT God, Jehovah, did not bother to correct - he just killed 'em! Millions of 'em at times.

    There is no sliver of evidence that God has ever acted in behalf of any modern day people either.

    SO, what 'refinements' are we speaking of, sir?


  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Paul's getting straightened out by Jesus was one refinement (that's in Acts). Paul then straightening out Peter was another one (I believe that's also in Acts). And Apollos was corrected by Aquila and Prisca (also in Acts). Jesus corrected the other apostles (that's in the Gospels), and the seven congregations (in Revelation, chapters 2 and 3). An angel told John not to bow before him (in Revelation). The governing body in Acts 15 gave corrective counsel regarding the matter of circumcision (while making a few other rulings at the same time). Paul wrote to various congregations and individuals to correct various situations, and the letters by John, James, Peter, and Jude did likewise. Many of the corrections in the NT came by new inspirations updating the applications of earlier prophesy.

    So, I would expect much the same to take place today. We have assurance in Revelation that an angel "in mid-heavens" takes the lead in the preaching work. The WT publications are like an abundance of "letters" (perhaps new scrolls being opened, as mentioned in Revelation), so that we are well-fed spiritually and can thus make much-more-informed decisions, IF we actually take the time to read through and meditate on all the issues from cover to cover, with the effort required. End-time prophesy includes what is mentioned about the ceasing of some operations of holy spirit, so that has some bearing as to how things will differ today from in the 1st century. These thoughts have come readily to mind, and are hopefully in some reasonable semblance of order to the reader, whoever you are.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I imagine the pedophiles appreciate that Jehovah saw fit to 'adjust' the brotherhood with many letters to the BOE's explaining the need to be sure there were two verifiable accounts of anyone raping a child behind closed doors.

    I am sure that the tens of thousands of people who died while accepting the modern re-understanding of the 'ruling' in Acts about not eating blood are likewise happy. They can get a better and earlier resurrection now. And if history holds, some of their families might get a lot of money so as to live out a better life in this system until the resurrection.

    Those 'millions now living' who did not 'never die' might be a tad disappointed that Jehovah did not 'adjust' the thinking sooner on that one.

    Oh, well, even God makes mistakes in this organization.


  • mrsjones5

    Those so-called refinements are nothing more than changes of the collective mind of the big headed old farts in Brooklyn who are playing God.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    so I'm sum it all up as reactions to the attitudes of others, hopefully based on some scriptural principles

  • reniaa

    good points spike

    refinement can come froma few sources and God also allows us to learn from our mistakes.



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