It was just thread with a disgusting picture - no comment, no explanation, no anything.
Nobody could offer any explanation other than hope that somebody else had hacked his logon.
may you have peace!.
i read your thread(s) regarding the... ummmmm... "unsavory" posts that appear here from time to time.
while i don't share some's, er, "taste" for such things, i must say that i do find your statement regarding "punishing" and "banning" folks, well, curious, if not actually funny.
It was just thread with a disgusting picture - no comment, no explanation, no anything.
Nobody could offer any explanation other than hope that somebody else had hacked his logon.
In a miniature of this, the governor of New Jersey said his state has lost about 70 billion dollars of wealth from citizens with money leaving the state (moving to other states with lower taxes) over N.J. having the highest tax rates in the U.S.
He wants to minimize spending, lower taxes, and attract external business and investment to come back in.
The N.J. government employee unions are furious about his plan and want yet more public money.
may you have peace!.
i read your thread(s) regarding the... ummmmm... "unsavory" posts that appear here from time to time.
while i don't share some's, er, "taste" for such things, i must say that i do find your statement regarding "punishing" and "banning" folks, well, curious, if not actually funny.
That sounds totally out of character for RR.
Me too, BTS - which is why I was really wondering what actually happened.
may you have peace!.
i read your thread(s) regarding the... ummmmm... "unsavory" posts that appear here from time to time.
while i don't share some's, er, "taste" for such things, i must say that i do find your statement regarding "punishing" and "banning" folks, well, curious, if not actually funny.
Well, close enough I guess to the topic, I saw that the offensive RR thread "Is this a disfellowshipping offense" is gone this morning.
RR gone too?
yesterday afternoon, the sad thought popped into my mind that, apparently, some witnesses could be made to believe anything provided it appears on the magazines.
if they said that accepting blood is now ok, many would take transfusions, and that would sort of make sense.
but if they also said that hell is a physical place after all, many would accept that, too.
If the magazines brought the news that now you can associate with the disfellowshipped, then many zealous shunners would turn very friendly to everyone.
They actually did this (in a somewhat limited way) in the later 1970s when they wanted to get disfellowshipped people back in to make up losses for the many who quit after 1975 failed.
And, of course, the rank & file went along without a word - just like DGP suggests.
It was later changed back to an ultra-hard line after they got afraid of apostacy - post Ray Franz et al...
And, of course, the rank & file went along without a word - just like DGP suggests.
Is it any surprise that they have now put up with at least three revisions of the ridiculous "1914 generation" issue without question? That they have observed the numbers partaking of the emblems go UP instead of DOWN without question?
don't know if anyone has seen this....... .
biblical creation vs darwinism vs young earth "creationism" - "remain close to jehovah" - youtube video posted by a jw from the recent convention.. it might just be me, but in the middle section does the guy say that jws should seek out knowledge.
and then say that jehovah has given them all the knowledge they need in awake magazines.. not much seeking required there.....try going to library......ooops forgot... they would find out the real truth then!!.
I'm fortunate that I never had an assignment on the subject.
Me too - at least I cannot remember ever having one. The 7,000 year creative days, man's creation at around 4000BC, lame excuses for animals being obviously designed as predators, and so on were core JW teachings that I never, ever, believed.
I guess I just lived with this by telling myself that someone at Bethel might eventually read a beginning science book and change it.
don't know if anyone has seen this....... .
biblical creation vs darwinism vs young earth "creationism" - "remain close to jehovah" - youtube video posted by a jw from the recent convention.. it might just be me, but in the middle section does the guy say that jws should seek out knowledge.
and then say that jehovah has given them all the knowledge they need in awake magazines.. not much seeking required there.....try going to library......ooops forgot... they would find out the real truth then!!.
It's tough to have a conversation with people when you're not even speaking the same language.
Especially when the people you are talking to actually made up their own language.
Did this assembly part explain how the holy spirit somehow directed them to drop their long-held 7,000 year creative days post 1975?
last week, my coboe, formerly known as the po, read a letter from ny giving directions on how to handle cases of "sexting" in the congregation.
i've vaguely heard of sexting in news articles.
i'm thinking though, the branch isn't going to send out a letter unless there's a trend.
Wait a minute - since when could they actually DF somebody for porn or sex texting? Priviledges removed, reproof, certainly - but I thought DF still required an unrepented "biblical sin with two witnesses"?
Oh - never mind. I forgot about smoking, blood transfusion, not believing in the governing body, and a few other made-up DF sins.
Hence, my point about the Catholic church in the 1400s. Don't you agree that if someone who, in 1400, figured out that some Catholic teachings were false, should have left the church, even if there was not another worldwide organization to join? Some did so, and were persecuted for it. I think they did the right thing, even though they did not join a big religious organization with a "worldwide preaching work." Why should today be any different?
Also there is the irony that without the previous Catholic (and then the Protestant) preaching work in past centuries, the JWs would have had no foundation on which to build their present day "worldwide preaching work". Thus, those previous works (by JW logic) were actually doing God's will themselves.
i was looking at some clips of glenn beck and sean hannity over the weekend and i notice how much they admire each others religion.
when sean talks about mitt romney or glenn beck, he mentions that they are great men who love the lord and are examples of "great americans".. then you have glenn beck talking about a recent trip to the vatican where he felt gods presence and even had a person there tell him that "we know you are and what you are doing is terribly important.".
what is so funny is that if you visit websites of the mentioned religions, they do not view the other as "good.
Wonder if this represents a move away from Southern Baptist-style conservative republicanism?
Did you notice that none of these people are actually classical protestants like the old-time evangalists?