Pure worship has never in all of history been so exalted on earth.
But only the WTBTS is exalting pure worship, and it is only pure worship if you do exactly what the WTBTS says.
*** text for september-20-10 ***.
monday, september 20. abundant peace belongs to those loving your law, and for them there is no stumbling block.-ps.
119:165.. the conduct of others never creates an excuse for our becoming bitter toward god or for abandoning a faithful course.
Pure worship has never in all of history been so exalted on earth.
But only the WTBTS is exalting pure worship, and it is only pure worship if you do exactly what the WTBTS says.
did anybody else see this?
apparantly this is a small pseudo-christian (and apocalyptic) group under the leadership of a woman.. relatives found eerie left-behind notes that looked suspiciously like suicide notes when they went off for a retreat over the weekend - so the police were called and put on a full-press search in case they were about to do a jamestown.. they were found safe, praying in some wildlife park a few miles away.
their story was that they left the notes "in case the rapture came while they were gone, so their friends and family would know where they were".. does anyone know anything more about them?.
Thanks, Leolaia. Good thing they were found before anything happened.
The TV media sort of indicated that nothing suicidal was going on - I immediately questioned this, remembering that the Jim Jones massacre had been prepared for by preaching it and acting it out for quite some time before the actual event. Heaven's Gate also prepared for their ritual.
Certainly, the member's husbands were concerned enough to go to the authorities, who were also concerned enough to search for them and put this leader-woman into protective custody.
Sadly, the few followers will probably count this as persecution "from the Devil" and not be awakened at all to what they are being led into.
how did satan tempt a person who has no wrong desires?.
Thanks for this thread - LeavingWT. It leaves much foundation for thought...
Something just occurred to me about the WT (and other) legalistic "equivalent human sacrifice" nature of the ransom of Jesus:
If Jesus was not perfectly equivalent to the pre-Sinner Adam, then how could the sacrifice be legally valid? That is - if Jesus did have some kind of divine sector to his persona (which is strongly hinted at in the NT) - wouldn't this have been like "stacking the deck"? Isn't the point of the sacrifice that Jesus did the right thing (where Adam did the wrong thing) and died anyway - thus ransoming all of Adam's sinful offspring? How could this be a legal, intellectual, or moral equivalent if Jesus were not equivalent to the pre-sin, pre-tree of knowledge Adam?
In other words - was Jesus automatically programmed to NOT be tempted by having a divine side? And thus, never really faced the moment of decision (that of the question of human self-determination) like Adam did?
how did satan tempt a person who has no wrong desires?.
The power of the punany bro, we have all felt it !
But, presumably not Jesus - which was my point about the WT idea being wrong - that he was like pre-sin Adam...
how did satan tempt a person who has no wrong desires?.
Was Eve tempted?
Supposedly not only tempted, but also deceived. Adam, of course, being the man - was not deceived. But ate it anyway, to be with Eve.
Another legend which really puts question to the the JW notion that Jesus was equivalent to the pre-sinner Adam.
how did satan tempt a person who has no wrong desires?.
Even the Watchtower doesn't claim Jesus was identical to US. They claim that he was identical to Adam before he sinned. They also claimed he was Michael before he was born on earth, and we certainly didn't have that type of experience.
But was Jesus really like the pre-sinning Adam? Wouldn't he obviously have had the knowledge of the "tree of knowledge" - which Adam supposedly did NOT HAVE prior to eating the fruit?
I have heard this explained (some say in a blasphemous way) by the notion that the Jesus character was actually the reformed Satan - and that the "temptation" was an excercise in meditational self-determination to reverse course and "redeem" mankind from what he had done in Eden.
I do not believe this, but it does have some elements about it that could make sense in a twisted way.
did anybody else see this?
apparantly this is a small pseudo-christian (and apocalyptic) group under the leadership of a woman.. relatives found eerie left-behind notes that looked suspiciously like suicide notes when they went off for a retreat over the weekend - so the police were called and put on a full-press search in case they were about to do a jamestown.. they were found safe, praying in some wildlife park a few miles away.
their story was that they left the notes "in case the rapture came while they were gone, so their friends and family would know where they were".. does anyone know anything more about them?.
Did anybody else see this? Apparantly this is a small pseudo-christian (and apocalyptic) group under the leadership of a woman.
Relatives found eerie left-behind notes that looked suspiciously like suicide notes when they went off for a retreat over the weekend - so the police were called and put on a full-press search in case they were about to do a Jamestown.
They were found safe, praying in some wildlife park a few miles away. Their story was that they left the notes "in case the rapture came while they were gone, so their friends and family would know where they were".
Does anyone know anything more about them?
if you had the legal choice... it's friday would you buy a 20 pack of beer or a $20 bag of weed.. the topic of never got drunk!
made me think would it be better to get stoned or drunk?.
i can function 100% the next day after being stoned...... i can function ??
Speaking of this subject - I had a weird experience about a week ago. I pull into a Shell station to fill up, and I notice that there is this guy with an older black Mercedes sedan parked at a pump - but he is not filling up, he is just wandering around. First, he gets into his car, then back out, then wanders into the station house, then back out.
Honestly, he looks stoned.
Pretty soon, just as my car fills up, he comes up and asks "Sir, could I ask you a question? Do you ever smoke marijuana?"
I told him "Kid - go away, and leave me alone" - so, he backs off and wanders back over to the other side of the station.
I have been wondering about this - was this the most incompetent dope dealer of all time in action - in broad daylight -, or did he think I might be able to SELL him some weed (maybe because I had a black Porsche)?
when the jw armageddon happens, i guess he'll be #2. .
mao's great leap forward 'killed 45 million in four years'mao zedong, founder of the people's republic of china, qualifies as the greatest mass murderer in world history, an expert who had unprecedented access to official communist party archives said yesterday.
speaking at the independent woodstock literary festival, frank dikotter, a hong kong-based historian, said he found that during the time that mao was enforcing the great leap forward in 1958, in an effort to catch up with the economy of the western world, he was responsible for overseeing "one of the worst catastrophes the world has ever known".
I would suggest that Josef Stalin would not be very far behind him as number 2.
watchtower offers huge donation of "field" assistancediv class=subhead>the rvba leads the way to a continuous rondout valley rail trail</div><pby chris rowley .
pine bush a startling offer from watchtower, the jehovah's witnesses' organization centered on red mills road, worth about $136,000, has the pine bush central school district scrambling to see if it can take advantage of the offer.
at the school board meeting on tuesday, september 14, tom walraven, physical education teacher and varsity baseball coach, presented a plan to the board for repairing the e.j.russell field.
Sure is a contrast here with what they did for public service in Louisiana after hurrican Katrina.