How did Satan tempt a person who has no wrong desires?
If Christ was Divine, How Could He Have Been Tempted?
by leavingwt 141 Replies latest jw friends
I think Arius made this point around 1700 years ago, it's a good one.
Jesus was also fully human and while on earth he depended fully on the Father.
Jesus was also fully human
So, when the human portion of him wanted to do something wrong, the God portion would slap his wrist?
So, in reality, he wasn't like you or me, at all?
Your first question sounds a lot like the Watchtower's strawman arguments. I never said that.
As to your second question, I never said that either.
Please tell me how the temptation worked. I apologize for putting words into your mouth.
Your first question sounds a lot like the Watchtower's strawman arguments.
For those who believe he was not "fully God", then the temptations seem less of a problem, but I would ask them, how does one tempt a "perfect" man? Does a perfect man have wrong desires?
Apology accepted.
I certainly don't understand everything about Jesus, but I do know that the Bible treats Jesus' temptation as a real temptation.
Even the Watchtower doesn't claim Jesus was identical to US. They claim that he was identical to Adam before he sinned. They also claimed he was Michael before he was born on earth, and we certainly didn't have that type of experience.
Also, I don't think God intended for sinful men and women to overcome temptation unaided.
Jesus told Nicodemus we have to be reborn spiritually. John 3:3. In order to overcome temptation, we also have to choose to walk in the spirit rather than after the flesh. Romans 8:1,4; Galatians 5:16
Speaking of Jesus, Hebrews 2:18 says, "Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted."
The WTS has no concept of Hebrews 2:18. They don't teach JWs that Jesus is available to help us when we are tempted. The WTS allows JWs no direct interaction with Jesus at all because they consider him to be an archangel. Instead, they tell us we have to fend for ourselves by following the orders of the FDS, which is run by people just as fallible as we are.
Hebrews 2:17
17 Therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.
Matthew and Luke report on the temptation of Christ, and that, upon failing, the Evil One left Him alone until a more convenient time.
Mark reports that all the while He was in the wilderness, He was tempted.
I'll bet the Evil One hoped it would work as it did with Eve.
Feigning ignorance, just as he did in the Garden, he stated, "if (notice the if) you are a (notice the a) Son of God ..."
I'm sure any other human would have become indignant at that. "What do you mean by "if" and "a"? "I AM the Son, you cunning bastard!"
Yet, Jesus of Nazareth maintained His composure, refused to be drawn out, and directed the Evil One to the right Source.
If only Eve had done that!
But, could He have been tempted into sin? I believe He could.
Else, why would the Evil One have tried? He may be evil, but he's not stupid.