JoinedPosts by trueblue
To any used to be/are still Elders on the board
by watersprout inhow do the elders go about disfellowshipping someone?.
do bethel have to be notified?.
just wondering.... peace and light .
Rescued Miners: the Psychology of Being Free
by TastingFreedom inthe story of the miners seems to be causing a media frenzy.
i actually wouldn't pay too much attention to the stories.
but i came across something that caught my attention because it may relate to our experience after becoming free from a cult.
I already have PTSD not actually the JW's fault like I used to think, but from my dads abuse. If it were him comeing out of the shaft I would not have give him hugs and kisses but may have pushed him back down the shaft.
Me and my story... Issues, issues, issues
by bottleofwater inmy parents learned the truth when i was about 2 years old or so and they got baptized when i was 4.. they came from ukraine from the former soviet union and i was born months after they came to brooklyn.. they started studying with a sister who was american and joined the first russian group in brooklyn.. my brother was born when i was 5. we moved to staten island when i was 8 or 9.. ever since i was 14 or 15, i realized an attraction to guys.. of course, i kept on putting it off as a phase or an "everyone feels this way" excuse.. and yes, i had lots of crushes on guys, but i didn't tell others because it was hard to face the facts.. around 18 years of age, we were having our family study and my dad said that if a person even has gay thoughts then they can't be a pioneer, etc.. and he was an elder and a coordinator of the body of elders.. i got depressed and cried for days and eventually this got me to feel the need to tell someone about it.. i told my 14 year old brother (the other younger one is 7) about it because he keeps his mouth shut all the time.. he didn't react at all really.
eventually i felt like i had to tell my pioneer mom about it (by the way, i've been pioneering since 18 years of age due to knowing that that would be the only reason why my dad would pay for my college education).. she reacted with mixed feelings of denial, also attacking me and making it look like i'm disgusting, immoral, this and that.... eventually i told someone my age about this in my congregation, as he was also a neighbor of ours.
he was a bit more feminine acting, though i wasn't sure if he was gay or not (though the sisters had their rumors) (i'm more of the masc type it seems).
Honestly bottleofwatater, no one needs to know why I want to serve God...
Me and my story... Issues, issues, issues
by bottleofwater inmy parents learned the truth when i was about 2 years old or so and they got baptized when i was 4.. they came from ukraine from the former soviet union and i was born months after they came to brooklyn.. they started studying with a sister who was american and joined the first russian group in brooklyn.. my brother was born when i was 5. we moved to staten island when i was 8 or 9.. ever since i was 14 or 15, i realized an attraction to guys.. of course, i kept on putting it off as a phase or an "everyone feels this way" excuse.. and yes, i had lots of crushes on guys, but i didn't tell others because it was hard to face the facts.. around 18 years of age, we were having our family study and my dad said that if a person even has gay thoughts then they can't be a pioneer, etc.. and he was an elder and a coordinator of the body of elders.. i got depressed and cried for days and eventually this got me to feel the need to tell someone about it.. i told my 14 year old brother (the other younger one is 7) about it because he keeps his mouth shut all the time.. he didn't react at all really.
eventually i felt like i had to tell my pioneer mom about it (by the way, i've been pioneering since 18 years of age due to knowing that that would be the only reason why my dad would pay for my college education).. she reacted with mixed feelings of denial, also attacking me and making it look like i'm disgusting, immoral, this and that.... eventually i told someone my age about this in my congregation, as he was also a neighbor of ours.
he was a bit more feminine acting, though i wasn't sure if he was gay or not (though the sisters had their rumors) (i'm more of the masc type it seems).
Me and my story... Issues, issues, issues
by bottleofwater inmy parents learned the truth when i was about 2 years old or so and they got baptized when i was 4.. they came from ukraine from the former soviet union and i was born months after they came to brooklyn.. they started studying with a sister who was american and joined the first russian group in brooklyn.. my brother was born when i was 5. we moved to staten island when i was 8 or 9.. ever since i was 14 or 15, i realized an attraction to guys.. of course, i kept on putting it off as a phase or an "everyone feels this way" excuse.. and yes, i had lots of crushes on guys, but i didn't tell others because it was hard to face the facts.. around 18 years of age, we were having our family study and my dad said that if a person even has gay thoughts then they can't be a pioneer, etc.. and he was an elder and a coordinator of the body of elders.. i got depressed and cried for days and eventually this got me to feel the need to tell someone about it.. i told my 14 year old brother (the other younger one is 7) about it because he keeps his mouth shut all the time.. he didn't react at all really.
eventually i felt like i had to tell my pioneer mom about it (by the way, i've been pioneering since 18 years of age due to knowing that that would be the only reason why my dad would pay for my college education).. she reacted with mixed feelings of denial, also attacking me and making it look like i'm disgusting, immoral, this and that.... eventually i told someone my age about this in my congregation, as he was also a neighbor of ours.
he was a bit more feminine acting, though i wasn't sure if he was gay or not (though the sisters had their rumors) (i'm more of the masc type it seems).
Drug addict, alcohaullic, what ever same differance. Still a drunkard
Me and my story... Issues, issues, issues
by bottleofwater inmy parents learned the truth when i was about 2 years old or so and they got baptized when i was 4.. they came from ukraine from the former soviet union and i was born months after they came to brooklyn.. they started studying with a sister who was american and joined the first russian group in brooklyn.. my brother was born when i was 5. we moved to staten island when i was 8 or 9.. ever since i was 14 or 15, i realized an attraction to guys.. of course, i kept on putting it off as a phase or an "everyone feels this way" excuse.. and yes, i had lots of crushes on guys, but i didn't tell others because it was hard to face the facts.. around 18 years of age, we were having our family study and my dad said that if a person even has gay thoughts then they can't be a pioneer, etc.. and he was an elder and a coordinator of the body of elders.. i got depressed and cried for days and eventually this got me to feel the need to tell someone about it.. i told my 14 year old brother (the other younger one is 7) about it because he keeps his mouth shut all the time.. he didn't react at all really.
eventually i felt like i had to tell my pioneer mom about it (by the way, i've been pioneering since 18 years of age due to knowing that that would be the only reason why my dad would pay for my college education).. she reacted with mixed feelings of denial, also attacking me and making it look like i'm disgusting, immoral, this and that.... eventually i told someone my age about this in my congregation, as he was also a neighbor of ours.
he was a bit more feminine acting, though i wasn't sure if he was gay or not (though the sisters had their rumors) (i'm more of the masc type it seems).
I have wandered about this the last 25 years or so being gay really no different then being straight, straight is just as gay when having a strong desire for it, and continue to dwell on it. It is a sin, a weakness of the flesh. Don't be harsh on yourself just because your weakness appears to be different. Homosexualality, fornication, adultry, etc. all are catagorized the same place in the bible.
Who was it "King David" who kept slipping and doing acts of sin over and over but was still in good standings with God because he remained humble and remorseful before God.
If it gives you trouble throw it away from you, in other words don't dwell on it.
I remember seeing a JW man sitting in the middle of a KH with a group of good looking females standing around him a lord and behold he had a hard on. Now that is queer because he thought about it too long.
Living alone or rooming with someone
by White Dove inwhich do you prefer?.
i like having a roommate..
I don't like living alone but have to because I work at home and men are very interested in what I do for a living. Makes it hard for me to get anything done with them hanging around. What I need is a woman to run men off so I don't have to isolate myself.
"Evolution is JUST a Theory!"
by sabastious inand i feel a little sheepish.. check this out:.
^ plate tectonics (from the late latintectonicus, from the greek: ?
The Insanity of Arguing on the Internet!
by cognizant dissident inin an effort to get us all to lighten up and take ourselves and our beliefs a little less seriously, post your internet jokes and funnies here.. one of my personal favorites: .
HIstory and Bush/Obama
by free2beme ini find it funny, that as time is passing, history is now showing it is not the men who are causing the times ... as much as history is having a mind of it's own.
now people are pretty much seeing obama in the same approval and blame, as bush did.
basically, the economy sucks, neither man could fix it and all they could do was blame the other's party.
The Fix
There recently was an article in the St. Petersburg , Fl . Times. The Business Section asked readers for ideas on: "How Would You Fix the Economy?" I think this guy nailed it!
Dear Mr. President,
Please find below my suggestion for fixing America 's economy. Instead of giving billions of dollars to companies that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan.
You can call it the "Patriotic Retirement Plan ":
There are about 40 million people over 50 in the work force. Pay them $1 million apiece severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:
1) They MUST retire. Forty million job openings - Unemployment fixed.
2) They MUST buy a new AMERICAN Car. Forty million cars ordered - Auto Industry fixed.
3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage - Housing Crisis fixed.
It can't get any easier than that!!
P.S. If more money is needed, have all members in Congress pay their taxes..
Mr. President, while you're at it, make Congress retire on Social Security and Medicare . I'll bet both programs would be fixed pronto!
If you think this would work, please forward to everyone you know.If not, please disregard.