What did the motorcycle rider say when his wheel fell off?
You picked a fine time to leave me Lucewheel
i cannot read this poem without choking up.
post songs, poems, etc that make you smile or cry or get giant waves of goosebumps.. i am the fifth child of six.. by ruth hulburt hamilton .
song for a fifth child mother, oh mother, come shake out your cloth,.
What did the motorcycle rider say when his wheel fell off?
You picked a fine time to leave me Lucewheel
i cannot read this poem without choking up.
post songs, poems, etc that make you smile or cry or get giant waves of goosebumps.. i am the fifth child of six.. by ruth hulburt hamilton .
song for a fifth child mother, oh mother, come shake out your cloth,.
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i cannot read this poem without choking up.
post songs, poems, etc that make you smile or cry or get giant waves of goosebumps.. i am the fifth child of six.. by ruth hulburt hamilton .
song for a fifth child mother, oh mother, come shake out your cloth,.
i cannot read this poem without choking up.
post songs, poems, etc that make you smile or cry or get giant waves of goosebumps.. i am the fifth child of six.. by ruth hulburt hamilton .
song for a fifth child mother, oh mother, come shake out your cloth,.
i cannot read this poem without choking up.
post songs, poems, etc that make you smile or cry or get giant waves of goosebumps.. i am the fifth child of six.. by ruth hulburt hamilton .
song for a fifth child mother, oh mother, come shake out your cloth,.
The laughing babies is good... I think I have seen it on America's Funniest Videos.
i cannot read this poem without choking up.
post songs, poems, etc that make you smile or cry or get giant waves of goosebumps.. i am the fifth child of six.. by ruth hulburt hamilton .
song for a fifth child mother, oh mother, come shake out your cloth,.
what is the strangest or most wacked-out comment or answer you've ever heard at a wt or book study?.
i remember at the cong.
wt study, we were studying about the jews being led out of egypt by moses.
A lady asks before making her comment, are you on B now? because I just got out of the restroom.
we intend to append to the cathedral door or external furniture a copy of a renewed summons to the pope to appear before the international tribunal into crimes of church and state, 4th april 2011. .
this will be delivered to the vatican embassy for transmission to the pope the following day, 11th october.
What comes on a young boy's face before acne?
A Bishop...
i was told that at the 2010 annual meeting, jws were asked to pray for the governing body to remain(?
) discreet and make wise decisions.. please include this in your prayers..
how do the elders go about disfellowshipping someone?.
do bethel have to be notified?.
just wondering.... peace and light .
I have seen an elder holding a letter in his hand that one of my relitives wrote nearly 40 years earlier. I could not beleive it and wanted to wipe his a$$ with it.
I have never heard a straight answer out of any elder and would not ask them anything...